Anyone try clary sage or clove oil to induce labor??(Aromatherapy)

edited November 2011 in Pregnant
" 1) Aromatherapy

The following essential oils are highly recommended to avoid when you're pregnant as they do stimulate uterine contractions. If you have anyone with you in early stages of pregnancy, do not burn or inhale near them.

Clove Oil- Encourages uterine contractions Clary Sage- Encouraged uterine contractions

Put 3-4 drops on a tissue and smell the essential oils. You will begin to feel some action pretty quickly."

••••••••Wondering if it works!!! :D I'm due in 8 days and miserable. Has anyone tried any type of aromatherapy? Outcome? Where did you get the oils?


  • Bumb id love to know too!!!
  • Bump. Keep me posted if it works. Have you tried googling it
  • ill jump on this wagon. Smelling oils? Sounds nicer than castor oil lol. Im off tp buy them!!!
  • I started using it 5 days before i had him (started at 41 weeks cos was fed up) not sure if it helped or not, had a bath with it in, bit of milk an couple of drops of clary sage also rubbed on bump and back of heels mixed it with olive oil for that :)
  • Bump!!!!

    @homebirthadvocate you have any knowledge on aromatherapy? :)
  • Ugh.. went to walmart, meijers, cvs AND walgreens. Where the hell do in buy this stuff?? :/
  • Over here did it in health stores, but ebay did some to or Google it might have to get it ordered
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