Bloody show?

edited November 2011 in Third Trimester
I went to the doctor yesterday morning and got checked I was 70% effaced and about 1cm dialated, I came home and did some laundry, had a smoothie, watched tv and had sex with bd. I just woke up about an hour ago and went to the bathroom and there was a little blood when I wiped so I kept wiping and there was a lot more and it was kinda mucosy, but not like a glob or anything, is this bloody show or something else?


  • Probably just from having sex. But if ur worried call ur doc.
  • You can lose part of your plug after being checked and after sex.
  • Also both sex and being checked can make you bleed from all the extra blood in the cervix.
  • Sounds like a part of ur plug to me
  • @mommyof3girls @samantha @darknesofnight4u I've gona from having painless bh to them being very uncomfortable and painful :( I'm also having a lot of pain in my back and can't fall back asleep to save my life
  • Id drink lots of water and lay on ur left if they don't go away then its prob back contractions
  • If they get worse when walking around start timing them. Also being checked and sex can cause contractions. Try moving around laying on side drinking water hot shower/ bath. If nothing helps your in labor girl and lots of labor dust to you. :)
  • @darknesofnight4you @samantha thanks ladies :) I have a feeling my little guy will be here today or tomorrow!
  • Labor dust @pawgio ! I'm sure you're excited to meet your lil guy! Aww!
  • @babyhamm thank you! :) I'm very excited, I'm getting over a cold right now though so I want him to stay in a few more days until I'm over it!
  • He won't get sick I was worried of the same thing when I had brody my Dr said you're only contageous (sp) for the first 3 days of a cold. How are you feeling
  • Ohhh thats exciting hope it keeps up
  • @samantha that's good to know :) I'm in a ton of pain! I've lost more of my plug and I took a warm shower, took the dog for a walk, and tried to bounce on my ball and do some squats but it was too painful and I gave up haha I'm trying to go into labor asap because I work at 5:30 and don't want to go like this!

    @tinka1326 me too! I'm ready to get him out!
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