horrible shooting pain down the back of my hip!!!

I am having the worst shooting pain down my left hip in the back. I know sciatica is commen in later pregnancy because the baby rests in the back pressing nerves but i am only 11 weeks pg!! Has anyone else had this problem? My husband massages it but that only seems to make it worse! It gets so bad it nearly knocks me down! :(


  • I had the same problem very early on, it is siatica by sounds ov things but I'm no doctor lol, go to your midwife and she may send you for physo it helped for me I'm now 37 weeks n only get the pain once in a blue moon xxx good luck
  • edited January 2011
    Oh I have this same pain. Im 24 wks... I didn't know it had to do with pregnancy LOL this helps alot
  • Thanks guys i hope it goes away soooon!
  • Omy I have the same problem and its hurt. Im 15 weeks pregnant.
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