starting rice cereal.. help!

edited November 2011 in Ages & Stages
My baby girl is 4 months old and I'm introducing rice cereal. My questions..
How much should I give her?
Is she going to be pooping more because of the change?
How often should I feed her?
Please help especially on the poop question. How do I know if its upsetting her tummy?


  • It made my daughter constipated for a few days but I jus kept giving it to her an she was fine after those few days . An I jus Startd out wit a few teaspoons a couple times a day
  • @Mrz_Jackson2anpreggo we'll my baby girl has been pooping like twice a day when I do cereal and I started cereal once a day. Her poop has been more runny..
  • Really wow I've never heard that it always constipated both of mine but there bellys adjusted pretty quickly .
  • my son is four months to and i started cereal last month because he was always hungry so now i either add a bit of baby food or give him just baby food once a day. is one feeding of baby food ok??? i think two is too much
  • Dr told me to introduce just mix a tablespoon with formula to a runnier consistancy and spoon feed . She told me just once a day and to introduce only give every 3 days to make sure no allergy reaction...then every other...til everyday. My son git gassier but did fine!
  • @Mrz_Jackson2anpreggo I gave her cereal twice today so
  • Damn phone. I also think she might be teething..

    @Kindell I would feed him according to how he feels. I plan on waiting to feed fruits and veggies til 6 months and start with once a day wth mixed

    @augustbaby yea I just started once a day so I hope it doesn't upset her tummy to much. Her 4 month shots are on Monday so Ill mention food to her doc
  • My daughter is 16 months an still has to have it every morning an Evry bed time lol
  • How long do they usually go in betwween feedings if you start rice? My daughter just got done eating 8 oz. She's gonna explode if she keeps going this way. When would be the best time to feed her cereal during the day and how many times a day?
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