Anyone have this before?

edited November 2011 in Third Trimester
I'm 38+6 seeing spots, dizzy even though I'm laying on my side, my stomach has this burning sensation lower back pain and stabbing sharp feeling down there every time I turn over or try to stand up.... I'm afraid to call my doc cuz she just mocks me when I call...


  • @smcox Seeing spots and dizziness can be a sign of pre-e, if you are not dehydrated, I would highly recommend calling your doctor.
  • Waiting to hear back from the Dr....
  • @smcox I'm still here, keep me posted please.
  • Yea I get dizzy all the time they font know what it is but I found out my hubbies mom when she was prego w him she wad passing out I guess bc I'm prego by him I'm dizzy too its a trait or something lol
  • Just got back from the hospital. My blood pressure was high but everything else looked normal. I was told the burning in my stomach was because my stomach has gotten so big my skin is stretched to its limit and causing the burning. But no protein in my urine so they sent me home and pretty much just said the last week just sucks and I'm gonna have weird pains and discomforts.... Thanks for responding ladies :) @alwayzbeenurz2008 @darknesofnight4u @misskristin
  • Thats good all is well! Keep that bp down! Mine is trying to go up too :(
  • My Dr is just so frustrating! When she called back and I explained it to her she was asking me what I was gonna do....I told her I don't know....I don't know if this is normal or if I should be concerned, which is why I called you.... So you can tell me what to do. She just kept saying I don't know... What do you want to do....I finally just said fine guess I'm going to the hospital cuz my Dr isn't helping me.... I really can't stand her sometimes. She is of no help and never puts my minds at ease... Luckily I'm giving birth Monday and don't need to rely on her anymore.
  • I don't know why mine is going up... Never had issues before... And totally dont understand the seeing spots out dizzyness. Oh well I guess :) @alwaysbeenurz2008
  • in my last weeks I experienced vertigo severely but was never told why... if you have the same it'll be gone soon
  • Ughh my doc is the same way..I don't like her at all! She annoys me & she thinks everything is normal
  • Hey I see stars too! I guess I'll bring it up to my doctor tomorrow at my appointment... Btw your doctor sucks! I don't know how you put up with that
  • @charliebby116 the only thing that has stopped me from finding a new one is the fact that I'm so far along. I moved at 27 weeks so I had to find a new one so she's already my second obgyn. At one appt I was concerned about my babies movement and she told me she didn't want to hear it and she keeps trying to get me to get a C section.... With no reason behind it. I'm so completely over her. Next time I'm preggo I'm going with a midwife.
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