Whats going on Mr Noah?

edited November 2011 in Third Trimester
Monday I went into l&d for contractions. I am dialated 3& not very thinned. So they sent me home. Tuesday & Wednesday I had contractions. Yesterday at my appt, my dr checked me & Noah. He was quiet but fine, good heart beat & all that. I was still the same.
Last night was the first night in forever that I slept all night! I woke up feeling great! I have energy! I want to cook! I went shopping, I seriously am feeling great!
The problem, Noah usually moves a lot. I drank juice & am still on my side, nuthin! Hes kinda got me worried cause hes being lazy.
Is this normal? My first didnt do this but Noah is a diffrent baby so maybe he's normal for him? Could this be him getting ready to come?


  • Sorry i can't help. Here's a bump. I hope you have him soon.
  • My baby would have lazy days. The more active I was also the lazier he was. Try something with caffeine.
  • Well after trying to get him move all day, salsa did thre trick. I ate spicy salsa & he moved everywhere!
  • Lol. My little girl had a lazy day and i had hot chocolate the next morning and she went crazy. Lol. Its funny the things they react to.
  • Lol @angel26 . He's a spicy boy I guess. He's still quiet, well for him at least. My ob said since I'm started dialating but a bit stalled out I can try self inducing. Made labor cake, not bad tasting
  • Lol. Good luck. I hope it works for you. I can't wait til im far enough to start that stuff. Im only 32 weeks.
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