I haven't even choosen a baby name.

edited February 2011 in Baby names
Ok Mommies, Im 15 weeks and I'm having a boy...my first baby. I haven't even began to look into names.... I feel so bad cause I want to...but I just dont know where to start. Any suggestions on names or places to look?


  • Get a baby name book. From ur library or whereever and slowly read through it making a list of "likes"

    I just now got a name nd I'm 30wks lol
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  • Dont feel bad.. As long as he has a name by birth...lol
  • My aunt and uncle couldnt decide untik after the baby was born, she was nameless for half the day! Lol we have like 3 names for each sex (were waiting to find out) but I don't think were going to make the final decision until we see and.hold.our baby and see which fits best :)
  • Are you looking to combine you and your bds name?? Or same initials.? ...
  • My first daughter didn't have a name for 4 days lol. We were arguing as I wanted danielle and he wanted Beth. Of course I won lol. And how did you find out the sex so early x
  • @ Jay_Brad lol no combination of our intials....i dont even like him bd anymore..sad huh.

    @ Cheryl74 I have a cooperating baby he showed his sex... The ultrasound person said shes about 85% sure hes a boy based on his development of his sex organ...cool huh unless that 15% is correct lol... I just want him or her to be healthy!
  • I'm 35 weeks. My hubby and I can't agree/decide on a baby boy name. We have 3 or 4 picked and are going to wait and see what he looks like! So excited
  • You can get lots of lists just by searching online. I agree with the folks who said to just give him one when he's born. Picking out a name is a lot more work than it should be! Especially when you have to agree with the father on one. I'd leave it til crunch time to make a final decision if you could stand it. lol
  • Yeah I like shmegs suggestion of seeing what he looks like to pick a final one.
  • My hubby and I get online and write down all the names we agree we like then once your sooo sick of looking at the monitor sit down together and put the names togeter. You will narrow it down to a few....I usually ask my mom which she likes best too :) if you don't wanna do it with bd do it with your best friend or momma
  • If you'd like I'm sure all of us could throw some ideas your way! Lol
  • I've been looking up names by Ethnicity. :) My parents named me & all my siblings with only Irish names. It narrows down the lists! My fiancè & I plan on doing the same thing, but looking at German names too.
  • I named my son Deacon Zechariah. Both family names.
  • I love the irish names Maisie for a girl and Forbes for a boy ;)
  • I would suggest checking out names on lists from online. You'll get an idea of what's been popular. I for one wanted something not as super common, and knowing which ones were chosen the most over the last few years helped me eliminate some!!
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