first ultrasound todau

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I just had my first transvag u/s. The ultrasound is showing I'm 5 weeks my lmp says I'm 7 w 1 d. Either it stopped developing or my dates are way wrong. I go back Monday. :-(


  • Oh no! Best of luck to you. Lets just hope that the dates are off and the baby is just fine. Keep us posted.
  • Best wishes hun! Those things can be very scary!! Could the pick up a heartbeat? Ill be thinking of you til Mon! Xoxo
  • No. Said it would be too early for a heartbeat
  • Its so depressing. I'm sitting here waiting for the dr. Through the wall I hear all these women having their U/S with loud strong heartbeats. And I see all the big pregnant bellies. I find this really cruel
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  • I know babe, they didn't even show me the screen, nor said anything to me except, you need to go to your docs office, they'll give you the results they are cruel heartless bastards! I tell you, if I worked in any of those positions I would always give the most support I could.
  • My bf said its for the best "anyways"
  • What's for the best?! No baby? :( I had ppl say that in attempts to make me feel better bc I'm not working. Jerks
  • Yeah but my boyfriend of all plp!!!! And its not 100% yet. I will know Wed when I go back to see if there is a heart beat. If not I get a d and c
  • I'm so sorry hon...I will keep you & baby in my prayers... I can't believe your bf would say that... I would have told him to walk home! :(
  • Ughh..fingers crossed hun! I'm hoping everything is perfect! Xoxo
  • He didn't really want the baby to begin with. If things don't go through on Wed I'm probably leaving
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  • I so understand how you feel this is happening to me as well. I also go back to the doctor on Monday to get my second set of blood work done. Big hugggs.....
  • All you ladies that were so strong for me when I was going through this uncertain time! I'm not a prayer, but I'm praying that everything turns up perfectly for everyone and there are happy mommas and healthy babies come Monday! **healthy beautiful baby dust**
  • Good luck Ladies, I know the waiting is horrible. Prayers and thoughts with you both!
  • I'm really hurt and worried about my baby but he has destroyed me. He didn't want to tell anyone I was pregnant but before we left the building he texted everyone to spread his "good news"
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