rawr.. 1/2 cm at 39weeks?!?!

edited November 2011 in Third Trimester
Trying not to stress... 'relaxation brings on labor'. I know, heard it. But sheesh. Will I ever have my baby?

My husband deploys around the 17th of nov. And I'm due the 10th. They wont induce me early.("if we induce one lady, we'd have to induce them all")

Went to hospital last night just to be checked before my 20 hr drive and doc said I am only a dimple size dilated(like nothing at all!) And I'm not effaced at all.

I feel like my husband is going to miss the birth of our first baby. :.(

Going to start epo once we get home and try all the other tricks!


  • Yes try epo. I did it once with one pill and my water broke. I doubt it was the epo but I did hear epo works. Good luck lots o labor dust.
  • Yup, try not to stress. Dilation is no sign on when labor will start.
    Some woman get to a four or five and sit there for a couple of weeks and go late. Others never dilate until active labor and go early. Every woman is different.
    I assume you're going on a trip? If so enjoy yourself and try not to stress about the dilating bit.
    Walk a lot, use stairs a lot, squat a lot, use epo, and if you have access to a yoga/labor ball bounce on that and it might help you to dilate.
  • The day before I turned 39 wks I was a fingertip dilated (pretty much closed) & cervix was still thick. Well that week I did alotta walkin & stayed active. The day before my due date I was 1-2cm & 50% effaced. Doc told me that if I walked I could go into labor that night or next. So I walked & walked & later that night, jus like doc predicted, I was in labor & had her on my due date! So walk, walk, walk!
  • I feel you... Been stuck between 1/2 to 1cm for weeks... Though I have been using epo for weeks and it's definitely working, I'm 75% effaced as of yesterday. Not trying to be a bummer but I heard it takes a week or two for epo to work. But try lots of walking! Definitely still try the epo... It's not like it could do any harm!
  • We went home home(indiana) for two weeks since he's deploying. We are almost back to tx(oh joy) 5 more hours. I quit rigut before vaca so now I have nothing to do when he is working but pack. So I plan to walk, a BUNCH!! And going to use the epo tonight.

    Will the epo make me effaced or just soft? I don't have a yoga ball, but hope to get one tomorrow.
  • I think it helps efface. Or maybe it just softens the cervix. Sorry not much help lol. But yes walking helps. Squats too. Gl
  • Lol. Ok. I'm going to sit in a squating position. Its just hard b.c. I have bad knees and shin splints.

    Thanks hun! @samantha
  • Try using the counter to help hold you up or some other type of surface. And lean against a wall if you can't find a solid and sturdy surface.
  • Good idea :) awesome.
    Do you know anything about stripping the membranes? I've heard this term on here before but not sure what it is. @Samantha
  • Maybe getting checked will have sped things up, my dr checked me and I was only 1 cm and I went into labor the next day, was 5 cm when I got to the hospital! I also had sex twice :) good luck lots of labor dust!
  • Its where the Dr puts his fingers in your cervix and moves the membranes from the wall (I could be wrong) I had it done and 3 days later went into labor. My Dr said to stay active after. It hurts atleast for me it did. My Dr said if it works you will be in labor within 72hours. I went into labor 72 hours later lol. And I did squats and bounced on ball it helps baby move down and put pressure on cervix and helps you dilate and efface. Or so I've been told. It has to help with something lol.
  • Softening= effacement. When your cervix softens it thins out... Which is effacement.
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  • @pawgio I sure hope so! I have a doc appt tomorrow at 10:40!
    @samantha I am def asking if they can do that for me tomorrow :D
    @smcox ohh ok. When I was checked she said I wasn't rly effaced. Then I asked her if I was soft at all b.c. I have epo to use. She said I was soft. Just still high.
    @ashleyfew haha right. Should have!
  • I wasn't dialated at all with my last son until I went into labor. Ask you Dr for a membrane sweep.
  • Don't feel bad, I was 1/2cm all the way up to my induction at 41weeks.lol. I had a slow 30+hr labor, then ended in a c-section. Hopefully that's not the case for you, although c-section was great for me :D GL momma! Lots of **LABOR DUST** to you ;)
  • @quinnandtallonsmom @clope18 @kristaf22

    I asked about inducement and she said they won't until 41 weeks. Well he'll be gone by then!I asked her about striping the membrane, won't even do that. Hmph.

    I'm now 50% effaced and 1.5-2 cm dilated. Been having light contractions off and on all week so hoping I have him. Not gonna give up!

    On a side note... OUCH!! Hurt getting checked! It didn't hurt like that when I was checked the first time. Maybe she didn't do it hard b.c. I wasn't at my doctors, or state. But ya, this lady hurt me. Made the part between my butt and vajayjay bleed :( that normal? I'm so afraid ill tear there during labor.
  • You'll be okay! Maybe getting checked will jump start labor, good luck and labor dust :)
  • Well, went into induction yesterday 1cm and 75% effaced.... After 22 hours of Labor and almost non existence progress (finally 8 cm, 100% effaced) he never descended :( stayed at -2 station the whole time. His heart rate kept sky rocketing and they couldn't fever down so I ended up in c section this morning. I have a big boy, 9.8 pounds and 22 inches long.... He can't even fit into his newborn clothes :(
  • @smcox oh wow girl. Huge boy, congrats on him being healthy :) sorry it led to a c section. I'm afraid my man is going to be big boy too.

    I'm pretty sure she did a membrane sweep, but I haven't felt any contractions :(
  • @leggs2011 it might take a day or 2 my membrane sweeps took 2 And 3 days before I had my boys. Bleeding is also an excellent sign. I go today hopefully I get a sweep too. I'm really hoping u have that baby.
  • @quinnandtallonsmom I only had bleeding at first, then brown the first cpl hrs.

    UPDATE ON DEPLOYING!!!!¡¡¡¡ hubby came home and tells me he got put on rear d! Meaning he won't leave until at least next month!! :D I couldn't be happier right now.
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