frustrated...please dont judge me

edited November 2011 in Breastfeeding
So lately I've been noticing that Ive had some milk supply issues.

Last week Mavis wasn't gaining weight fast enough so last friday my doctor had me supplement wit formula. Well the only way she would take it was if she got the ounce of formula first, or she would be to full. So stupid me didn't realize until AFTER we stopped the formula on Monday that I should have been pumping after every feeding to keep my supply up. Now I can't catch up.
When I pump at work I am lucky if I get 2oz total, my daughter is almost 4 weeks old so I know she drinks more than two ounces at a time.

Today, starting at 8,its now 4, she has been cluster feeding with maybe 20min breaks. At 3 I had to go pick my oldest up from school and when I was gone my husband gave her 3oz of the milk that I had pumped in the fridge. Now she is eating again...

I don't know if its a lack of my supply, just that she wants to be comforted, or that she is going through a growth spurt but its starting to get frustrating.
As soon as I lay her down she wakes back up wanting to eat and its been like this since 8am. I don't know what to do.
Im trying to build my supply up by taking fennegrek and I got some mothers milk tea. The thing im kind of worried about is that I've taken then fennegrek since she was 4days old non stop, six pills a day. Is it possible my body is so used to it that its no longer effective??


  • My daughter did that around the same time for about a week, pretty sure it was a growth spurt.
  • Yupp, growth spurt! Frustrating I agree. My son just stopped doing the same but it does only last a few days so hang in there! I don't know about the fennegrek though, sorry! I would just keep pumping... even if you only get a few ounces it should slowly build back up again!
  • @navybabyonway I really hope that's all it is.
  • My baby is doing that and he is 13 days old. I think they do it periodically. And I've seen it mentioned before that pumping is not a way to accurately tell what you're producing. But I know that letting her nurse will bring up your supply. Good luck.
  • @stmilitarybrat I pump every 2-3feeding hours at work and try and pump after every day time feeding when at home but it's hard with a 5yr old, a dog, and a husband who is never around!!
  • Definitely keep pumping it will make your body think it needs to make more. I know it's frustrating but it will be over soon!!!
  • @Samantha I try not to stress about what I am pumping because I know it's not accurate, and I nurse on demand when we are home together. She was 5 weeks early and so I worry so much she isn't gaining good. It took her 3 weeks to get to her birth weight.
  • @navybabyonway i've had my pump all set up and waiting for me since 9.... she just hasn't stayed asleep long enough for me to pump haha
  • My lil girl had a growth spurt at 4weeks. She ate SOOOOOOOO much. All she did was eat and sleep very liitle.
  • My aunt told me that around 4-6 weeks you start feeling like your supply is low but its not and to just keep nursing and pumping. It didn't matter for me I dried up no matter how often I pumped and nursed. I think it was my birth control or my high blood pressure meds.
  • Sounds like a growth spurt and she is probably also upping your supply. You could always pump the side that she isnt on while feeding her. You will get more milk pumping that usually
  • Oh I could see why you're worried. I'm sorry I have no advice.
  • @tinka1326.. might be tricky to get the hang of but not a bad idea! I am afraid if I pump before I feed her that there is nothing left for her.
  • I know that frustration feeling too. Last week my son was on the boob literally all day pretty much all week. My fiance left for school @ 5pm on Thurs and by the time my mom got home from running errands at 7pm I was in tears. I didn't have but 10 mins to myself all that day and fiance doesn't get how frustrating it is to have your baby at the breast ALL DAY. I don't exclusively bf but try to only have him on the breast when we're home during the day and he gets formula at night, usually only 8oz of formula at this point between 2 bottles. If I had started exclusively bf-ing I can honestly say I would've hit the first cluster feed and quit it. Kudos to those who do exclusively bf cuz I wouldn't be able to do it.
  • @tinka1326 I pumped while she ate and got pretty much nothing out...she ate good though ...she is a very loud eater!
  • Awww im sorry hunny. My daughter has been feeding constantly since last night... Im so freakin tired lol... The things we put up with to try to give them the best I suppose
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