Avent double electric pump? Or is my milk stuck?

edited November 2011 in Breastfeeding
Does anyone else have this pump? I can't get mine to work.. it's sucking and everything, but nothing is coming out, I got a few drops out of one boob and that was it... I gave birth Wednesday night and now both of my boobs are like rocks, but I don't think I can get anything out of them.... I haven't been able to since yesterday around 10:00am I took a hot shower when I got home and my mil told me I probably leaked in the shower and that's why I couldn't pump after, but now my boobs are huge and hard and nothing is coming out still.. :( can anyone help me?


  • i don't have that pump, i have an ameda purely yours double electric. but try a warm washcloth on top of them and massage. that usually helps me to get it started.
  • and some nights i'll pump after a shower bc the warm water helps bring it down...i don't think you could leak all your milk out in the time it takes to shower..but idk...
  • Try repositioning the pump a few times until it comes out. Sometimes I get nothing at all but then I'll move it just the slightestt bit and milk will come pouring out lol idk why but maybe it'll work for you too?!
  • It sounds like your milk has come in. To avoid mastitis, you need to be getting the milk moving thru. You may want to hand express in the shower until the pump is working for you. If your boobs are very warm and you start running a fever you should take action very quickly. This happened to me.
  • @mam082711 well I had just came home from the hospital yesterday so I took a pretty long shower, I'll try a wash cloth and a massage though!

    @amab13 I'm not sure if it has, I just had my son Wednesday night and I don't know how long it normally takes

    @stbmilitarybrat thanks I'll try that too :)

    @granny2b I didn't know that could happen! thank you!
  • I have the single version of that pump, try manually first.(should of come with an adapter) Mine didn't work very well if my boobs were to full also make sure everything is connected. Tighten everything really well to make it as airtight as possible. Also don't stick anything into the little white triangle thing on the bottom of the pump when you wash it - can get damaged. Takes about 5 - 15 minutes for your milk to really start flowing.

    Hope I helped, good luck.
  • Sorry *IT CAN take 5 - 15 minutes for your milk to really start flowing.
  • @conreeaght I don't think it came with an adaptor, what does it look like? I've tried taking it apart and putting it back together tight a million times and it just seems like there's something wrong still, it's probably just my milk, thank you!
  • It just looks like a little white handle. Clips on to the top where the motor goes.
  • @conreeaght @pawgio i thought about that same thing, but thought it was just me lol...when i do pump it takes about 10 mins before milk really starts to flow. i've only been engorged once and boy is it uncomfortable. so i feel ya :-(
  • Have you tried just putting your baby on them and letting him try? Babys can get more out than a pump.
  • I would pump after the baby feeds ur body probaby doesn't like the pump also see if u can hand express some :)%%- good luck
  • Some pumps work better for others. At first my pump was good (or so I thought) now I hate it and it doesn't work well for me but I never saw one bad review on it. Ill get maybe an oz in an hour but I know I can get more then that. Mine only works ok when I'm engorged. Maybe try feeding then pumping. Also a warm bath helped my milk come in better.
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  • @ashley_smashley @ashleyfew Thank you! I try, but he just won't eat right off my breast, he just goes to sleep and nothing I do keeps him awake, I also have really big boobs so I know he has a little trouble with that maybe I need to look for some different positions to try.

    @samantha I tried a hot shower and a massage, it helped a little, but only for one breast, I got about 1 oz in 30 minutes, but the other one I only got a few drops out of.
  • Try a hot bath and just soak in it. My boobs felt way better and I Was able to get milk out after my boobs were literally oozing out milk in the tub and it won't drain your boobs so you can still pump or nurse after. I was having a hard time before as well. Also I have big boobs and the football hold helped me a lot until I got the hang of it. Try a nipple shield brody and I had to use one the first few days to help with latching now he is fine without it. Have you tried getting him naked and feeding? Sometimes the skin on skin helps with brody also the cold air wakes him up a little and I use a wet cloth or wipe to wake him. I tickle his sides a little too.
  • @samantha I try the football hold but it just hasn't worked :( even at the hospital the lc helped me and said I was doing everything perfectly, she couldn't believe it was my first time breastfeeding, but he'll just suck for a second and go to sleep, I tried getting him naked and tickling him and scratching his back and head, nothing will work with him! It's like a boob in his mouth knocks him out instantly! I took a hot shower though and just pumped and I got almost 12 oz :) my boobs feel so much better now!
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  • Keep pumping and storing it or u will lose ur supply and that's normal hes so small his belly is tiny he will catch up to you
  • @ashleyfew We're going to keep working on it :) I've heard side laying is really comfortable and I wanted to try it! My nipples are also more on the flat side so I have to use the pump to get them out before I try and feed him, but I'm hoping when he starts to be more active and awake more we won't have problems with him falling asleep as much
  • @momof22be I pumped almost 12 oz in an hour today so I'm feeling pretty good :) he's starting to eat so much already though! He's only 3 days old and he eats almost 2 oz in one feeding, but that was formula, I'm hoping he won't go through as much breastmilk.
  • Dang girl 12oz go you. Most I've gotten was 3 oz and that was cause I couldn't pump or feed for about 4 hours. Good job.
  • edited November 2011
    @samantha I felt so accomplished except I spilled almost a half oz on my pants after :( but before that I hadn't got anything out since yesterday morning, I was throwing up so much I couldn't feed him or pump, so Talon was giving him formula all day and night
  • I had the same problem with my little one and my huge boobs. I just kept trying and if we got frazzeled I would just pump and feed him that way. After he was afew weeks old and had a bigger mouth it worked soooo much better! Also try the cross carry hold. Oliver is so picky he will only nurse football hold on my left breast and cross carry hold on my right! Keep up the good work momma!
  • Did you have iv fluids during delivery? If so, your boobs may be swollen from the fluids and not neccessarily from your milk comming in. If that's the case, more pumping can do more harm than good. Keep trying to get your baby to latch, or pump for 20 min every three hours on a low setting. Milk can take up to 5 days to come in.
  • If they are on the flat side go get some shells. You wear them in your bra between feeding and it brings out your nipples. I wore mine for 2 months.
  • Oh and side ways feed is great!! Thats how I nurse unless im out
  • Wow yea the nurses were shocked at how much jasmine was eating I bf for 20 min and she downed 2 oz formula now she eats 4oz and bf 30 min I am struggling with my supply
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