39 weeks

edited November 2011 in Third Trimester
I'm 39w today but unfortunately my bd made me really upset and I'm not even excited :( instead of being happy for making it this far I'm too busy wanting to cry in frustration... :( well happy 39 weeks to me! Hopefully Sophie will come soon so I can just hold her and forget the world


  • Awww hun what he do:(

    R u ok my love???
  • @preggo123 Ugh just too much for one day... well you know how the baby shower was today? Well he called to tell me not to go cause the people going don't know we talk Wtf then he calls me afterwards telling how he got a lot of things more than I did which I think its.cool cause its for our daughter not him or me but I think its stupid that he's getting certain things cause she's gonna stay with me he can come and sleep here whenever but she's staying at my house and most of the things are things newborns use... Then he says how he wants 50% custody when I didn't even want to go to court and if we do he's not getting 50% cause he doesn't care about her he's just buying stuff to pit on a show for everyone so they don't think he's a bad guy but in reality he doesn't give af he still looks at her as a mistake so f*ck him. Sorry its so long I'm just pist
  • Mother effer ughhh I'm pissed offf now alsooo:( smh.... how can a human bein do this honestly. ... he just doesn't wanna seem like a bad guy that's y he fakes his way through: (! && as for the bby shower woooow wat a douche:/ girl if he takes u tooo court I'm more than sure u will win.. dnt delete those txt messages o anything that shows proof that he tells u this kinda shit....ugh he needs some asss KICKINNNNNN
  • @preggo123 ugh I know it just makes me so mad you can tell its all for show cause when he tells me what he has for her its more like rubbing it in my face and never actually mentions the baby and the only reason we started talking again back in may was because he was tired of his older sisters telling him shizz not cause he actually cared to be in the babys life.. and the reason why he didn't want those people knowing we talk was so they could feel bad for him and get him more things... And its his mom putting all this custody Shizz in his head as if she gives a rats ash ugh!!! I'm just infuriated with this whole situation they're making everything more difficult than it needs to be >:(
  • I know that's how that ahole is trust me he doesn't have a heart hez cold blooded sometimes I didn't think he was human cause he was just sooo mean. Nd for him tooo be doing this sooo he can get more stuff is just soo sad he will repay wen he visits god...member that sooo just let him bee his jerkself nd juss take care of urself nd ur beautiful bby girl.:) nd as for his motherr ughhh she needs too get out of it nd worry about her ownself nd not put shit in his headd...wat does ur fam say about this???/ oooo my parents would bee heated upp
  • edited November 2011
    @preggo123 Lol you don't have to tell me. And I know karmas a biah so I don't have to be... God knows what he's doing so I should leave it to him... I know I can't stand his mom not once has she asked how me or the baby were doing and now out of nowhere she 'cares' pfft yea right... I haven't told my parents cause they're not the type to stay quiet and I don't want them saying anything at the hospital so the less they know the better... I'm so depressed today :( and I hate it...
  • Hunnn pls cheer uppp. Just pray...love ya andd.u know I'm.here for u
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