Sleeping tricks

edited November 2011 in Sleep
Does anyone have any tricks to get their babies to sleep on their one by themselves?


  • My son falls asleep on his own only whem he is already drowsy, about 15~30 min before you want to lay baby down take away all stimulus, tv lights radio talking ect. Sooth baby by holding and rubbing his back or tummy and shushing him. Then before he is all the way asleep I lay him down and he usually will continue to slowly fall asleep, sometimes hell whimper but I just wait it out to check on him only when it's a real full on cry. Every baby is diff. hope you find what works!
  • @pregnantelf if I get my baby almost asleep and lay her down she is wide awake again
  • Nicholas likes to fall asleep in his swing or with me rocking him then after a few mins i do that arms test. Pick up there arm if it drops right away there asleep if they keep it up there not asleep
  • The swing works best for me. I follow the suggestions on Hope it helps!
  • Were cosleeping but when i need to have baby sleep by herself i swaddle her good & nurse her till she falls asleep and put her down on her back & warm up her beenie bear (its like a bear stuffed with rice or bean thingys that is safe to warm up) and put it next to her so she can feel the warmth next to her arm on the side i usually sleep on , kinda tricks her into thinking I'm there.. works for weening puppies too! :)
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