baby barely sleeps

edited November 2011 in Sleep
He finally falls asleep for bed at 10 and wakes up every 3 hrs until 8a and is up for 30mins. So he only gets maybe 9 hrs at night and maybe 1hr nap a day. He's 2 months old. Is this normal? I don't think so


  • Sounds about right to me. Every baby is different and that can be his normal.
    Try googling tips on how to get him to sleep longer or take naps.
    You just might have an active baby.
    Ive seen some good tips from other moms here so heres a bump
  • Noooo not normal. My daughter takes several naps throughout the day. She's up by 6 or 7 she eats then her first nap is around 10:30 she'll sleep anywhere from an hour to 2 then she's up she'll eat be up playing then take another nap around 3 til 5 then she'll get up eat and bath then 1 more bottle before bed at 830pm she'll sleep til about 12 eat the right back to bed til 6. 1 nap a day is definitely not enoughm babies should take naps anywhere from 30 min to 2 hrs and be up about 2 hours in between naps. Now the night sleep, my daughter did that until I read the advicee on . She's a way better sleeper now that she sleeps in her swing wile swaddled with her legs free and her paci she's 11weeks
  • Its actually pretty normal. My lo was the same way, although I'm assuming yours takes mini 10min cat naps throughout. It can be frustrating when all you want to do is sleep. It can take afew months to get better, but it will. Troublesometots was a good website for explaning this if I remember correctly. Just try and go with it for now :(
  • Oh I thought he only took I nap throughout the day sorry but yea of he tales little 10 min naps throughout the day it frustrating but normal my daughter was that way! There's alit if tips on the website I told you to get your baby to sleep a bit better
  • *I thought he didn't take naps
  • My daughter is an active baby. She is a cat napper. She'll have 3-5 naps a day but never over 20 mns. Even was like that at 5 days old! She's just started sleeping longer during the night and she's 4.5 months. Every baby is different.
  • @lily_glz like what is considered a cat nap. He might fall asleep during a car ride. But maybe a lil less then 10mins. Idk how many so called cat naps
  • A cat nap I would say is maybe 15 min naps. My daughter would do that. And wake up 2 or 3 times during the night until I went to the website and followed their suggestion bc there are ways that you can help your baby sleep longer and take what's considered "normal" naps during the day. Is your baby fussy? Or are you just worried? Bc if he's fussy it might be bc he's tired and babies do get past the point of sleepy and theyl just be cranky bc they didn't get their nap. My little one fights sleep constatly but I make sbure she takes her naps when she's supposed to and she's a happy baby!
  • Look up that site.. it has a sleeping chart, it let's you know how your baby should be sleeping at their age, it varies.
  • @lily_glz OMG MY SON IS JUST LIKE UR BABY! He refuses to nap and gets grumpy then cries til exhaustion then passes out lol. On his good days he naps just fine and is happy all day...but when he refuses to go down its all over. I'm so going to that website. Thanks hun!
  • @kingsmama you're welcome! I hope it helps you and your son :) a swing and swaddling is what helped my daughter... she still fights sleep but once I swaddle her and put her in her swing with her paci, I win! Lol
  • @lily_glz Omg girl that site is awesome! I only did a few of them and they work! The best so far is taking him the dark bedroom with a bottle to give him and his heartbeat sound machine on pretty loud and he goes to sleep within 15-20 mins and is gone for hours!
  • Much louder than I thought on the volume. It's almost on max! But they say loud white noise helps them stay in a deeper sleep for longer periods of time :) and its working! And I get deeper sleep now too cuz I'm not as worried about him cuz I can't hear every peep he makes in the night and get up to see if he's ok.
  • @kingsmama woohoo!!! I'm SOOO glad it helped you too now you can sleep a little better :)
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