I'm turning into a big scary monster :\

edited November 2011 in Sleep
Raistlin is a week old today and he's been sleeping pretty well, most nights he sleeps through the night, but we've had a few nights where he's up really late, wakes up all night, or up at the butt crack of dawn, or all three! Originally bd told me since I would be the one taking care of him all day he would take the night shift, but now that he's gone back to work he backed out of our deal and says I have to do both... I understand that he has to be up early and works all day, but I have to get up and work all day too! And I can't stay up until 2am every night then get up at 5:30am and function all day long.. I've tried to take naps but I can't do it.. my body just won't let me! I just lay there forever, exhausted, not able to sleep, I eventually just cry until I feel better. When bd gets home from work he takes Raistlin and tells me to sleep, I tell him I can't sleep, but he doesn't think I even try. HELLO! I don't WANT to be this exhausted! If I could sleep I would! So I try to take Raistlin from him to feed him and he tells me no, I have to go try and sleep.. I want my baby! :( He thinks because I'm so tired from taking care of him that I shouldn't.. he tells me to go have "me time" okay well I can't sleep and I don't much want to sit in our bedroom and listen to my in-laws pass my baby around upstairs.. :( I'm getting so irritable I'm about to rip someone's head off, or scream, or cry.. or all three :'(


  • Omg me to ! My baby is 11 days I'm so exhausted. My body is so tired but I'm like u I want to take care of my newborn myself .Wish my hubby didnt work away from home to help me but I have a 3 year old an 16 month old so I really need the help :(
  • :( I'm sorry lady. Maybe try taking a tylonel pm or ask Dr to give you something to help sleep that way you don't have to listen to in laws and you can get some much needed rest. I wish Brandon would take Brody and tell me to sleep lol. It gets easier Idk when but it does lol. Brody still wakes up every 2 hours to eat and tries to be up all night.
  • @mrz_jackson2anpreggo Ya I feel pretty crazy for wanting to do it myself, I just want the help at night! I can't imagine trying to take care of three kids right now :(

    @samantha Can I take sleeping pills while breastfeeding? I still have lortab from after my delivery and they make me drowsy, but not enough to help me sleep :( I love that Talon is trying to help when he gets home, but I would rather him help at night.. even if he just got up once it would help a lot, I know he would have no problem coming home from work and passing out, I wish I could do that :(
  • Yea its pretty hard there always laundry an always sumthn to pick up on top of being exhausted whew but gota do Wat gota do lol an it does get bettr :)
  • Love the title to ur post btw lol ! Kinda how I feel lol
  • @mrz_jackson2anpreggo thanks haha, I feel like I don't even have time to eat! I don't get around until breakfast until after 11. I wake up and feed and change Raistlin and pump and usually change him again before I get to eat! Same thing with showers :(
  • Me to exactly the same except the pumping thank god for formula I wuld go crazy if I had to do that to on top of taking care of all my kids haha
  • I think some you can. Ask your Dr. I haven't taken any and I am super exhausted too. I completely understand how you feel. Last night I had to quit breast feeding and give him a bottle I was way to tired and for the first time I was over whelmed I cried. I wanted to get in my car and just go for a drive but I knew Brandon had to be up for work in a few minutes and no one would be able to watch brody. If he is willing to help take it. I'm sorry its not at night but day will help you a little bit.
  • I hate how everyone says "just sleep when baby sleeps"..ugh! It irritates me so much! Its like when the baby finally falls asleep you can actually get stuff done like dishes, laundry, showering, washing/sterilizing bottles, picking up the house that you can't sleep! They act like its so easy to just put EVERYTHING else on hold while you sleep...I mean I wish I could...if I had a freaken maid!
  • @excitedforoctober I completely agree with you! It drives me nuts when people say that. There are some of us who can't nap so easily knowing we have so much to do that wont get done if we don't do it
  • Im sorry mama! I have 4 kids all under the age of 6. But im blessed. My son sleeps really well i think he does cuz he and i both know i will lose my sanity if he doesnt. Plus my hubby works 2nd shift so the baby normally wakes up to eat when he gets home so he takes that feeding and lets me sleep and i do the other 2 feedings. I am pumping and find it quite time consuming which tires me when i could be doing other things but its whats best for my son. Idk what im gonna do when i go back to work im sure ill be exhausted then.
  • can't he take the first wakeup? that way he still has a good stretch of sleep before getting up for work. my son goes to sleep around 830-930, wakes up somewhere between 1 & 3, which i wake up for, and then sometimes again between 4 & 6, which my fiance gets up for. my view is, is that it took the both of us to get him here, it takes 2 of us to take care of him. but my fiance is amazingly wonderful with our son and supportive of me and lets me rest when i need it. it gets better, the whole sleep deprivation thing. my baby is 9 weeks old and it took a while to get used to the waking up in the middle of the night thing...but it's so much better now. my problem is the past few nights, dillon will wake up to eat and literally go right back to sleep, but *i* can't go back to sleep. it's starting to SUCK. :-(

    but it's an adjustment right now maybe he's just stressed. but all you can do is tell him he's his son too the baby needs him too, not just mama. and mama needs to have rest and sanity. "a happy wife equals a happy life." lol
  • Sorry it took so long to reply! My sleepless brain has been spacing everything lately lol

    @mrz_jackson2anpreggo I like pumping, it makes my boobs feel better lol, and it's a little relaxing for some reason. It's so time consuming though :( I pump for 30 minutes on each side instead of 15 just because my boobs never get empty, so I get stuck just sitting there for an hour!

    @samantha I gave up breastfeeding before I even left the hospital, I was so exhausted and Raistlin was just falling asleep as soon as he latched on and I couldn't keep him awake, so now I just pump milk and bottle feed it to him, it's nice because bd can help with feedings. I'm sorry you had to stop :( I hate getting overwhelmed with everything, I feel a little helpless sometimes

    @excitedforoctober @biffymnstr Exactly! My bd keeps getting mad at me because he comes home from work and I still haven't slept, he's like what do you do when he sleeps? Uh I clean bottles, take a shower, pump milk, do laundry, EAT. I seriously feel like I have no time to eat anymore :( I don't think about it all day then I realize that I've only eaten maybe a mean by the time I'm in bed..

    @kaliasmomma05 I can't imagine dealing with 4 kids right now! You're a trooper! I don't know how long I'll be able to pump for, I feel like my life revolves around my breast pump! I can't go anywhere or do anything without making sure I've pumped and I'm home in a few hours to pump more :( I don't know what I'll do when I go back to work, and I hate how limited my choices are for bc..

    @mam082711 It's hard for me to fall back asleep when Raistlin wakes up too :( we've decided to try some teamwork when he wakes up, he does all of the feedings and I do all of the diaper changes at night, I feel bad because my fiance works 2 jobs and he's so tired it's putting him on edge lately, but I can't do it by myself!
  • @pawgio it's only been a week! It will get better, I promise. Dillon is 9 weeks old (10 weeks on Tuesday!) And the first 2-3 weeks it was sooo hard. I forget to eat too lol all the sudden I'm like oh crap, I'm hungry, I probably should eat! Forego a bottle washing or one chore a day and get a nap, even if it's 20 mins, you need it. Hindsight is 20/20 and when dillon was first born I made myself so tired bc I wouldn't nap when he did...and I should've.
  • @mam082711 I have so much trouble falling asleep during the day, I just lay there and think of all of the more productive things I could be doing, my brain won't relax enough to go to sleep :( but I feel like I'm getting to a point where I'm just going to start passing out all of the time. I always realize I'm hungry when I'm pumping or something and then I end up feeding Raistlin or changing his diaper and just forget that I was hungry, I hope I can start getting more sleep soon, I've been trying to change the times he eats during the day hoping he'll sleep longer at night
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