Sleeps all the time...

edited November 2011 in Breastfeeding
The only time she's awake is to eat and she's never awake for long- only enough to feed on one side, sometimes doesn't even empty me. I feel so engorged and it hurts! Is it ok to let her sleep or should I be forcing her to eat more often. Will it ruin my supply by nursing so little? All the info I find is about babies who eat too often, even in books. She doesn't eat enough!


  • My little one used to do that how old is she he's almost two weeks n he's grew out of it but you can let her sleep n nurse on demand you won't loose your supply n she knows when she is hungry n if your extremely engorged you could try pumping if you have a pump
  • Do you have a pump? If so I would pump as well.
  • I have a hand pump. I pumped one side today and got 4 oz. Then I read in a breastfeeding book that pumping til your dry will just increase engorgement. I don't mind having a large supply, but it hurts! And I guess my biggest fear is that she'll shrivel up.
  • She'll let you know when she is hungry. She wont let herself go hungry. Don't worry momma.
  • As long as she has enough wet and dirty diapers then u and she will be okay. Sometimes newborns sleep so much they get dehydrated so just watch her diaper output.
  • My son was jaundice and jaundice babies sleep more (or so I was told) I made sure to feed him every 2 hours. And he never ate for very long so I made sure he wasn't to warm and burp him when he fell asleep and change diaper. If he woke up after all that I would offer my boob again. If he slept through I would do it again in 2 hours.
  • @Samantha Thank you for your post. It was extremely helpful. My baby has jaundice and I wasn't aware that had to do with why she slept so much. The Dr said to feed her every 2 hrs but I wasn't following it because of how hard it is to wake her up.
    How long did you have to feed so often? And once the jaundice went away was your son a lot different?
  • To help w jauntice, make sure baby gets some sunlight - either outside or a sunny window. If outside, not long at a time to avoid sunburn. Sunlight will make jauntice go away much faster. The more skin exposed, the better.
  • @Granny2B Thank you. Yes, I knew sunlight was best. Unfortunately it has been cold and cloudy here all week. :( I guess that is a downside to having a baby in winter.
  • Yes he is awake more and it was hard to wake him up so I would take a wipe and run it along his back leg or side to help wake him as well when he really wouldn't wake up. I put him in a diaper in front of the window between hours 11-1 because sun is at its highest and they get more light. Some days if it was really sunny out after every feeding I put him in window and the heat turned up more. His jaundice isn't completely gone yet and he is still a differentiate baby. Wakes himself up to eat lol. And I fed like that until this past week so maybe two weeks. But I was really worried about his jaundice. Day 5 is when the levels peak and then they drop. I also feed know demand now and some times he will eat every two hours again. But yes feed a ton because it helps push the billierubin through poopy and peed diapers.
  • You can still put baby in front if window to get the light. Its not direct sun light but it helps. I live in Washington and its always cloudy and rainy lol.
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