am i a single mother??

edited November 2011 in Parenting
No I'm not but coulda fooled me! What the heck is wrong w him?? He has done next to nothing w his son and left it all up to me! Im back to work and yet everything is still up to me! He's been gone all but one day in almost two weeks...hunting! So all the childcare issues (ppl not being able to watch him) gas fallen on me too..which means my job isn't even more important than hunting! Even before hunting he was hardly around And when he was it was like a punishment to have to spend time w us. I don't know what to do. He's changed a total of 3 diapers and fed him a total of 3 or 4 times. He has watched him so I can go for a bike ride once and to the store for a half hour twice, and has dropped him off to his parents once and picked him up 3 times. He's also gone on golf outings, hunting trips, fishing, works out daily, showers alone, has always gotten at least 8 hours of sleep and the list goes on. I've not slept, gotten to work out without getting a sitter, gotten my nails or hair done (something I wanted to do before I went back to work). Ive gone out once w a friend..but my mom watched the baby. What the hell??


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  • Exactly! He's hunting right now and yet my job and personal time are just too inconvenient for him to worry about...nevermind his son! Ughhhh im beginning to despise him..yet I still love him even tho I know he knows he's taking advantage of me and taking me for granted. Im so good to him. Our son and I both deserve better. He tells me "I'm doing the best I can" when it comes to his involvement w the baby..he's 10.5w old btw @2beforgotten
  • This is where i thank god that BD has proved me wrong. He has aspergers(autism) and he has been one of the best fathers i've ever seen. Neither of us sleep. Im up with baby all night and he works 10pm-7am at Walmart. Then he comes home and helps with her during the day. He changes her, feeds her, and then he naps with her like i do at night. Its not much sleep but were surviving.

    I hope your guys snaps into reality and steps up and helps you.
  • @Steph_due_101611 im happy for you bc trust me, this is terrible :( its so disappointing to me.
  • edited November 2011
    I'm sorry Hun men can be so stupid just last night hubby tells me I should be able to get more done around the house let me tell u my house is clean and I don't know if u know but I'm going through a mc and I went to the doc yesterday she said it was because of infection and he said well u had time to go to the doctors and target for my prescription but didn't get the kids bathed or dinner done by the time I got home and he was home almost four hours early ooooooohhhhhh I wanted to beat his ass and on top of it all he wanted head well at least he helps me out not that he wants to plus he hates that I bf he always wants to make a bottle the only time he wants me to bf is when its conveinent(sp) for him like in the middle of the night
  • We are on the same page. Her dad doesnt do a whole lot. I just emailed & texted him links about father/baby bonding! I sometimes wonder if im single too.

    Xbox seems more important.
  • I be asking myself the same ? Sometimes. Ughh
  • @caroline8_p my hubby spends at least 4 hours a night on live poker I sometimes want to break the phone then I remember its my phone lol
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