Pregnant with a military man's baby

edited January 2011 in Military moms
I'm pregnant with my second child, and the father is currently deployed in the navy. It would be so great to talk to others in my situation. I'm ok with things as of now, but telling him about this has caused complications so bad to us taking a break. Its his first child so I'm well aware he's scared and stressed, however, its unfair for me. Tell me your stories please or advice??


  • Make sure you at least get him to get his baby on the insurance. Tricare is amazing and will cover almost everything! And it doesnt cost him anything.
  • I am pregnant and my husbands in the army he is getting promoted and we will have to move again before the babys born and if the. Unit he goes to is deployed he wll have to deploy and miss our baby being born .. the military makes things tough when you are having a baby stress, sleepless nights, worries, but you need to try n keep busy.. also fight for his support tell him u need it and he will hopefully come around..gluck..
  • Thank you! Ya he is stationed in cali and I live in wisconsin. I am unsure he will be around for the delivery as well. I hope the move goes well!
  • I know the baby will prob be put under his insurance. :)
  • To give birth and gave tricare cover it, you have to be married. . I am not sure how it works if u want to add your kid after they are born though. But tricare is the vest insurance around. I had my daughter at a civillan hospital and we didn't pay a penny.
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  • I don't think you do have to be married. A coworkers has a dead beat dad in the army and she had to call his superior officer to get him to help support the baby and he told her the baby would have insurance within two weeks. I think he just has to be on the birth certificate as the father.
  • Mama the good thing is ur child is still young... if he asks u just tell him daddy is helping make the world safe for him. :)
    Ya jwigs I believe your right. He told me once the paternity tests come back the child gets put under his insurance
  • I'm pregnant with my first, my bfs in the national guard and leaves for basic for 14 weeks, July 5th, my due date is July 5th also
  • I was in the military when I got pregnant with my first I had people putting pressure on me all over the work place (about our relationship). We ended getting married when I was 5 months pregnant. We were divorced after 6 years and I can't even say "it was good when...".
  • I posted to soon... Lol!
    My point is I feel like a lot of military marriages are like this and don't want you to feel pressured into marriage if it came to that. I should've listened to myself when I was one month along... and left. Happiness is better for your children:)
  • Oh that's awful I'm so sorry. I don't feel pressured and either does he. I want it to be because of love and not a child. :)
  • I learned that it shouldn't be THAT hard... and my experiences led me to where I am now... in a LOVING relationship:) I just wish people in bad situations could know that. It's a great outlook you have. It leads to happy parents:)
  • I am hopefully pregnant, due in november if I other half is going to afghanistan next month until september, so will miss a lot of the pregnancy, but should be around for the birth...his r+r is the first two weeks of august, and my twenty week scan would be roughly the end of july, do you think they would wait a couple of weeks until he gets home to do that scan? X
  • Thanks :) and good luck @august22baby x
  • You two don't have to be married for your baby to be covered under his tricare. He will have to enroll your baby to DEERS, so he will start get BAH w/dependent, plus your baby has to be on his DEERS to enroll to tricare. They do not cover your medical bills if you are not his spouse, just the baby.
    I am sorry to hear that you are going through some rough period of your life. I am prior service, (army) and dealt with a lot of soldiers in similar situation as you are in. As far as deployment goes, let him be, I know it sounds cold, but when you are deployed, your mind goes to somewhere else. Have you tried to write him an email or a letter explaining what you are going through? Sometimes, that works the best since that's something he can read over and over when he has some time off. Hope everything works out for you. Good luck!
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  • Found out sunday I was pregnant my husband is in the navy and he is stationed in Hawaii and im on the main land because I am going thought a custody case with my twin girls the father of the twins is a dead beat father (we were never marred I was a teen mom) but he came home on leave for court and well we got pregnant we used protection but it failed we r both happy but not shur were we will b in the next few months it is kinda scary for both of us chances are even if I do get full custody of my girls and get to go to hawaii chances are he will be deployed and if I cant go he is in the navy till 2014 and there is no was he can just get out is there?
  • The only way I ever saw a male get out was cuz he started going crazy or he did something REALLY wrong. It can still be a really LONG process to get out.
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