Cheapest way/ places to get diapers?

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
Hi everyone! I'm only in the 19th week with my little girl but I am trying to lessen the financial shock of buying supplies like diapers after she's born. This is my first. Anyone know where or how to buy diapers the cheapest way? I'm trying to stock up now. Also, any luck with cloth diapers? Do they really work? Thank you!


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  • If u live in the east BJ's wholesale club has great diapers and formula. I used to b picky about diapers and inly boughy huggies till we moved out east and i tried the bjs brand. One box is 25 bucks and lasts one kid a whole month.
  • Clip coupons! Some stores will let you use more than one per item as long as it's a different coupon (not a duplicate)... match those coupons to diapers on sale & you've got a heckuva deal! Also look for clearance boxes... sometimes its just 'cause the box got beat up, or they're bringing in a new supply. I would also say don't bother with store brands- they're a waste of $... never tried one I liked. I liked Luvs best for the price & comfort, but they're hard to find coupons for. Pampers are the best all around, but even w/o coupons, Luvs are usually still much cheaper. Good luck!!! (Oh, and Huggies wipes are the best, FYI :) )
  • I love 1800 !
  • I also get them from Costco. YOu can find cheap off brands at wall mart, or Target or other places. Most are ok. Some tend to leak or break down faster. Costco always works for me!
  • You can also get them from amazon through their amazon mom service. 30% off and free shipping!
  • I shop @ BJ's. They have all brands of diapers. LUVS work really well, they also have Pampers, Huggies and BJ's brand. Same with baby wipes. Also BJ's excepts store and manufacture coupons which also helps cut the cost down.
  • Has anyone heard of or tried GroVia reusable diapers from Costco? Do they work?
  • Costco and sams sale in bulk you can buy over three hundred for like 30 bucks
  • Have a diaper party...but what I did was started buying the brand I wanted early I caught sales, clipped coupons etc.. I brought a box of every size up until a size 2
  • Any luck with cloth diapers?
  • edited February 2011
    For @ElleMarie Okay so cloth diapers- I am currently cloth diapering my 8 month old. I am using the brand kawaii baby (because they are inexpensive but good quality) , which are working for us. They are pocket diapers with microfiber inserts. My favorite website that will tell you everything you need to know is
    The lady who writes that blog is really good and knows her stuff.

    I personally do not like the gro via diapers. A lot of people like them though. I just don't like the fit on my chunky leg baby. I also don't like the snap in inserts. They don't seem soft for baby.

    If you have more questions feel free to ask me. I have done tons of research for months before switching my baby to cloth. Hope that helps.
  • Just be careful how many small ones you buy in case you have a big baby or a baby that grows fast.
  • edited February 2011
    I'm worried about the additional time spent dealing with poop- lol! But, I also heard maybe there's less diaper rash, better for environment, cheaper, etc.... I wonder if they'll mess up the washer....? You can tell I've never changed one diaper yet huh girl? :O
  • I have never liked the store brands. They may be cheap but they are not reliable. I usually get luvs or pampers.
  • or
    There are always extra coupons in the baby mags. And they're delivered. I'm curious about cloth as well. This is my second but with living costs at an all time high I'm considering it.
  • Cloth wont mess up the was. When I nannyed for twins they had cloth and were great. Bum genius. I have found great c.d. at and spent forever looking something like bum genius best I could find and they look and feel the same..
  • @ElleMarie and @Lgarrapy the brand I use is from the site. I like them for the price and the quality. I have tried more expensive brands but I wouldn't say that they are worth the higher price. My washer is doing fine. More time for poop isn't much of an issue for me. They are cheaper in the long run but it is a bigger cost up front. My babies haven't gotten diaper rashes from cloth or disposables. Cloth is safer for baby and the environment. The site I mentioned in my last post just had a good article on why cloth for safety for baby.
  • Costco because you get more for your money and they have both brand name (buggies) and generic. They also sell wipes and formula which are also reasonably priced.
  • *buggies not buggies. lol
  • Let's try this again *huggies not buggies. lol
  • I used cloth diapers for my daughter at home and disposables when we were out. Try I think, just google it, they have several brands and giveaways all the time. We used the Blueberry but they have Bum Genius and some others along with lots of information. The only problem I ever had was after awhile they aquire a smell but Kellyscloset will also tell you how to strip them to get rid of the smell...
  • @kkmommy....they get a smell....hmmmm...but they tell you how to get it out. Ok.. something to think of. I guess im thinking smell = old bacteria or something. Im concerned about getting the cloth diapers clean. Thank you!
  • @ElleMarie yeah its just like how if you use the same shampoo everyday of your life your hair aquires "build up," its the same thing, overtime a build up of soap and what not cause the diapers to smell a little and they don't absorb as well, but using oxyclean, vinegar, or a few other methods and even special cloth diaper soaps can get rid of it. Also I have a friend that uses a diaper service and they don't seem to have any problems with odor, I can't afford the service so I have to use the "stripping methods." But yes still something to consider, it isn't horrible and its not like your baby stinks, its just a faint urine smell that can be taken care of...
  • Whew! Thanks!
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