Almost at the finishline

edited November 2011 in November 2011
I went to the Dr today and I'm right at 4 cm. I am expected at the hospital in the morning for a non stress test and to check on my cervix. Has any1 else had this done???



  • :-( lucky!!! Im still 1 cm I went to thee doc today... tomorrow im gonna try a labor cake lol
    I've had a non stress test before... they strap these two bands around you a pink one and a blue one... one for thee heartbeat and one for thee contractions or thee movements one of thee two.. at least one of us made progression what's yur secret lol...
    good luck tomorrow update me on how it goes!!!
  • @mommimisha I will def update u. I'm not sure what made me so lucky, I haven't even done anything, no walking, no sex, no nothing. I've jus been having tons of contractions.
  • Well Good luck hope everything goes well. I went in for a non stress test but I had gone into labor so They didn't do it. Stay close to home the first 4 cm take the longest.
  • Yur just one of thee lucky ones lol... thee only thing I've been doing is lots of walking... which my doc told me to do.. that's it... good luck!! Looks like baby is coming before thanksgiving for sure
  • @mommimisha @Quinnandtallonsmom I am currently in the hospital in active labor. 4 1/2 cm. So JJ will be here today. I will update yall when I get a chance.
  • =( LUCKY LUCKY YU!!! Im jealous lol... ihope thee labor goes good!!! cant wait to hear yur labor story... =) best of luck... did yu get an epi?
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