Breastfeeding... how long is too long...

edited November 2011 in Breastfeeding
my cousins partner is still bf her daughter who is about to turn 4... now i totally believe each to their own, but i find it kinda icky.... what benefit can there truly be in this day and age in our society to keep going so long. she says she only does it at bedtime but i know she does it still through the day... how do you other mummies feel about it?


  • I also knew a lady who breast fed her son til he was 4. My concern is these days "sexy women" are everywhere, and I dont care what people think but men know what boobs are very young already, I think it would make it akward when it comes to things like that. Now before I get bashed let me say "I'm a breastfeeding mother" me and hubby already discussed if we go over a year it will be strictly pumped and he won't see where it came from, also people dont have to know either!
  • @pregnantelf i think 12-18 months is fine, I breast feed my daughter and love it... But if she is drinking from a sippy cup she no longer needs my boobies. I think the same with bottles too... No need for a bottle if you have a sippy.
  • Yep at that point no need to get it straight from the tap. I'm a hairdresser and I actually have a client whos son is two and she is just starting to wean him, I've been doing her hair since he was 3 months old and it's getting to the point where when she comes the other clients in the shop get uncomfortable with it. Because he can ask for it and climbs in the chair and lifts the cape over his own head. Anyways she is weaning him and I've heard her tell him no a few times, but to each his own!
  • @pregnantelf Wow thats just icky... My son is a little over 2 and I look at those teeth and just think OUCH lol
  • Yea thats another good point! Lol
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