What makes you efface?

edited November 2011 in Giving birth
My dr said if I'm not effaced by 39 weekd then my induction may not happen or it might end up in a c section anyway. Is there anything I can do to make myself efface?


  • Evening primrose oil pills. Insert vaginally and take orally. Also sex seman helps thin out. Good luck.
  • I can't have sex it hurts too bad, and I was reading on epo and they said it was not recommended during pregnancy because it harm the baby. :(
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  • I've heard about raspberry tea leaf do you know anything about that @homebirthadvocate
  • Blah! I need to efface by 39 weeks or I may be forced to do a c section and I don't want one!
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  • I want to induce at 39 weeks because I'm in so much pain. But the dr said that if I wasnt effaced it most likely wouldn't take and I would end up having a c section. And he absolutely won't let me go past 31 weeks
  • I have the red rasberry tea at home and it even says on the box its for making the uterus stronger for labor and the epo is all natural that one says herbal supplement and used nutritional support for women especially during pms and I've researched it no one has ever had issues with the baby because they took it because you just do it towards the end hope that helps
  • I was induced at 39 weeks and the drs put in cervidil(sp?) And it did the trick. Its a lengthy process but its better than csection. They put it in and then take it out 12 hours later to see how u progress then start the pitocin. They took mine out early cause my contractions got so bad so it deff works.
  • The night I decided to use epo for the first time my water broke. That was total coincidence lol. But epo is safe and lots of drs would recommend it.
  • Ok so I picked up some 500 mg. epo today....now what do I do with it? Lol
  • My nurse sent me home and told us to have sex/rest. Lol I was 2cm dilated then came back few hr later and was 6 cm dilated. I had sex, I rested, ate some pineapple. Let me tell you sex the sex hurt but it helps me lose my plug also
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