did i loose my baby?

edited November 2011 in Loss
So for those of you who have fallowed my story. I started bleeding light on Sunday and went to my ob on Wednesday they said I was a threatened miscarriage. I have blood at a different lab to check my hcg levels and later that day the dr called and said my levels dropped from 240-128. I haven't past any tissue, I am still bleeding but nothing shows up on my panty liner. I don't know what to think, I gave blood again today at my normal clinic, but I won't know results until Monday. I see the dr again on Tuesday, I'm just so confused. My Progesterone level on Monday was at 8.7 so I've been taking Progesterone sapasatorys since then 50 mlg 2x a day. You lasts think I am still pregnant? I took a hot this afternoon and it was darker then all the others I've taken the last 3 weeks. I should be 6 weeks today. If its done I just want it to pass but if its not I need some hope. Please I need some input.


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