my poor girl

edited November 2011 in Babies Health
Mavis is sick.
Janicetwice (5) started school last week, het first time ever around that many kids so I was expecting her to get sick. Well she brought it home Wednesday, Thursday she was feeling worse and worse. Runny nose, cough luckily no fever.

Last night Mavis started getting sick, she can't lay flat because when she does she she sounds like she is drowning in snot. You can feel it in her little chest and back and she sounds stuffy. Luckily she is nursing like a champ still and also isn't running a fever. She is sneezing up a bunch of crap and I am constantly sucking snot out of her nose.

She is a month old, but is a preemie so I'm worried.

We have a wedding to go to tonight but I don't know if I want to leave my sick baby or not. :(


  • Aw poor babies. I hope both of your girls get better quickly. Haven't heard from you lately hope you are doing good!
  • Awww that sucks. Its so good she is still feeding well though will help her get better faster. Goodluck and I hope they are both better asap
  • Well she just spiked a fever! :( I gave her Tylenol so hopefully that works! She Is breaking my.heart!
  • Hope your girls get better soon :(
  • How high is fever is that the older one or the baby with the fever? You should probably get baby looked at if that's the one with the fever
  • Its the baby.. its 100.8 gave her some Tylenol and I'm check it.again once she wakes up to eat.
  • I was thinking the same as @eeyore...I remember from OB/peds rotation in school that babies I believe it's 3mos and younger are usually admitted to the hospital for fevers cuz they shouldn't have them. Fever is >100.4 according to my pedi.
  • It probably is ok to see if tylenol brings it down...although I'm a worry especially bc he's my first.
  • Im going to call my father in law, he was a respitory therapist for 20+ years in a childrens hospital, he always.makes me feel better about this stuff
  • It seems to have already gone down, she is laying on me and doesn't seem nearly as warm
  • My daughter got a fever at seven weeks was told to take her to er, they.did a complete with up on her we were admitted for four days, turns out she was born with a kidney defect that causes uti. They said when there under three months to come in because they can get really sick real fast at that age. Glad her fever seems to be headed in the right.direction
  • How permature was she @garagebandfan
  • She was 5weeks early. Her fever is gone now thank god, but im still going to keep an eye on her.
    @eeyore how early was yours??
  • edited November 2011
  • Awwe sad!! I hope they both feel better ...especially mavis! >:D<
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