sooo anxious! + bag packing question

edited November 2011 in Third Trimester
I'm ready to finally meet my baby girl ahhh it's taking forever! 35wks Tuesday though so not much longer now! Ok now that that's out, what should I pack in my hospital bag? I have harmonys bag done and packed in the car with a day & night outfit depending on what time they discharge us, a bunting & mitts since it'll be late Dec, a hat, and a blanket for going over the car seat, oh and my own receiving blanket for in hospital swaddling. (Hopefully that's it!) But I'm completely lost when it comes to mine! Lol HELP!


  • You'll need 3 or 4 pairs of clothes and underwear socks somethin to focus on maybe a book lotion deodorant toothbrush toothpaste brush shampoo and conditioner snacks for afterwards camera phone charger money and I think that's it
  • Toothbrush and paste other toiletries and pads something for you to go home in. I wish I brought my own pillows, snacks. Something to do while laboring book magazine whatever although we didn't use anything I've seen it recommended. Nursing bra if your nursing or bottles and what not.
  • Ooh pillow! Never thought about that one,
    Thanks ladies I was completely lost at where to start
  • Baby book. Socks with traction
  • Carseat don't forget that
  • Also pack a throw and possibly a pillow for dad! My L&D was packed when I was laboring and they only had enough for the moms, so my hubby had to run home for things for him.
  • extra batteries for your camera...just incase you never know when they will run out!
  • Depends on what your hospital has for you. The only thing I needed from my bag while admitted was my blanket (cause its my comfort blanket and I wanted it) Now I was a boarder (allowed to stay in my room after discharge due to my son being in the NICU and being only breastfed) so they didnt provide anything for us during that time but the room. My hubby went to the base and bought some stuff for us.
  • I packed tons of stuff and only ended up using a little bit... My hospital provided the majority of everything... What I used: a nightgown for getting up and moving around, socks with grips on bottom, my body pillow. I used their pads. They were huge but covered soooo much!! Also if they give you tucks pads/dermaplast spray, ask for more!!! I used a can while I was there and took home 2 extras they gave me! They also gave me the long sleeved shirts for lo, pacifiers, and diapers and wipes!! Just ask your nurse. Good luck! Also, I brought a book but never ended up reading it.
  • Ask for ice packs uncomfortable to sit on but feels amazing. Helps with swelling and numbs the pain. Don't forget baby book if you have one.
  • Only thing I packed was a nightgown,underwears,a pair of socks and and going home clothes..My hospital provide hygiene products toothpaste, toothbrush,soap,comb,brush, etc. But if you prefer ur own make sure to pack it. I personally just don't see the need of packing stuff that the hospital provide tax dollars paid for it so why not
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