*Tmi* Mucus plug, bloody show??
Okay Im 33wks, 34 this Tuesday and a FTM and Ive been steadily passing light green chuncks of what looks like and is the texture of snot for about 2 1/2 months now. I had Cellulitis at one point about a month and a half ago but took antibiotics and it cleared, then got a yeast infection, took a 3 day vaginal cream insert and it cleared also. So Im infection free and my OB checked me about 3 weeks ago and said the green discharge was normal since I wasnt itching cause green discharge means infection. Soo.. about an hr ago I passed a green chunk about the size of a quarter maybe a bit bigger, so I looked it up and it says it could be my mucus plug. I have no idea what that looks like or a bloody show or whats the difference between the two and when I should be having them. A little help anyone??? Thanks!
A blood show doesn't come until active labor and will be bright red blood mixed with mucus. Mine looked like a clot and came when I started having consistant contractions.
You can lose your mp for weeks since your body continues to regrow it
Not sure what green means but if your dr thinks its ok then go with the dr and become concerned if it starts to smell bad