october mamma's time for an update :)

edited November 2011 in October 2011
Hi ladies just checking in see how everyone is doing.
How is baby? How old is he/she now? Lets show off our babies. :)
Whats been the hardest part so far? Easiest part?
Hows the weight loss going anyone back down to Pre preg size?
how is everyone feeling no ppd I hope?
Here is my Brody 3 weeks old he was born 10/22 8lbs 11 oz. He is now 9lbs 10 oz. He was 21.5 inches at birth is now 22.5.
Hardest part for me was breast-feeding and now we have thrush and my boobs hurt all over again. Ugh. Easiest part I can't think of it right now lol. Its been adventurous lol.
I stopped losing weight I have 13 lbs to go to be Pre preg but I want to lose more.
No ppd for me but I have been pretty exhausted.


  • My little Weston was born Oct 26 7.4lbs 20 in. He is now 9lbs 20.5in...hardest part is having my husband back over seas and doing this alone....and I'm bfing! Easiest part is sleeping....he already sleeps about 4 to 5 hrs straight lol...I do have a little ppd but gettin it under control! Congrats and gl to everyone...its def an adventure
  • Whats your secret lol brody will on occasion sleep 4 hours but mostly wants to eat every 2-3. I'm sorry your hubby is back over seas all you women with military husbands/boyfriends are so strong. Id lose it if Brandon was gone that long.@grantsgirl88. I hope your ppd goes away. And we almost named our son weston lol. Good name I love it.
  • Hey ladies I was supposed to be a Sept mommy but I had my precious Shyla on Oct 4 via csection due to breech. She weighed a whopping 8lbs 7oz. She is almost 6wks old and absolutly perfect. She's been holding her head up since day one and now she's laughing and cooing at us! The hardest part so far has been breastfeeding. Its just shell fight sometimes and it takes forever also trying to wean her off the nipple shield I started using b/c she took out a chink of my nipple! She's been sleeping great since day one normally 3 to 4 hours. The best part is playing with her. She's always so interested in things!
  • Oh and I gained 65lbs duringg pregnancy and have lost about 25. So I've got a ways to go.
  • My baby gurl is 16 days old she was 6.14lbs an was 7.14 Friday the hardest part for sure is the sleep whew...!
  • [IMG]http://i1136.photobucket.com/albums/n483/mygodreigns08/2011-11-12105933.jpg[/IMG]

    My sweet girl at 4 weeks. Born 10/11 7lbs. 1 oz, 19 inches. She's doing great, just noe starting to actually wake up and be alert. Hardest part is seeing her in so much pain with gas, easiest part is loving her :)

    I'm gonna forever have my pooch, does anyone elses stomach still hurt? When I reach my hands up and stretch it hurts :/
  • image

    Lets try again
  • Emily is almost 4 weeks old, I had her 10-18. She was 7 lbs 4 oz at birth and I think she's a little over 8 lbs now. I don't even want to think about weight loss, lol!! I'm back to prepreggo, but I still have a LONG way to go til I'm at a good weight. So far all she does is sleep, so she's fairly easy. I miss sleeping long stretches though. 3 hours at a time is killer and she always seems to be hungry when I'm trying to get my 5 yo ready for school!!

    Emily today:

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