due in 3 days but baby dnt wanna come out /:

edited November 2011 in Third Trimester
Im due in 3 days, and i got checked
4 days ago and my dr said i wasnt dialted and that my cervix wasnt thinned out /: i get cramps but dont feel like there contractions but i could be wrong. Ugh i just want my babygirl out already /:


  • she will be here soon...u won't be preggz forever lol :p
  • That's the best part about being pregnant knowing you can't be pregnant forever lol.
  • At the end of my pregnancy it didn't feel real to me thar I was going to have a baby and be a mommy lol I knew I was gonna have tgw baby it just didn't seem real or like it was ever going to happen lol
  • I had my son two days before his due date. You will have your precious little one soon, just focus on relaxing and resting up for labor. Perfection takes time.
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