Raistlin peed on his umbilical cord :\

edited November 2011 in Babies
I was just changing him and lifted his legs and he started peeing, I had him covered with a wipe since he always pees when I change him, but it still got all up his belly and on the last little piece of his cord. What am I supposed to do? Pee is sterile so I don't think it will get infected.. I wiped it off with cotton, but should I clean it with alcohol or anything else?


  • I would clean with alcohol and it should be fine
  • Yep. When I took my son in for his first checkup my doc said "looks like he's getting a lil pee on his cord" I had no idea and don't know how he could tell. He wasn't concerned but said to fold in the top of his diaper to help keep it from happening
  • Brody did that a lot. I cleaned it with alcohol just to dry it up again
  • I freaked out, when my daughter was a week old, she had this massive poop and it got all over, including in her umbilical cord! I washed it off with warm soapy water and then swabbed it with alcohol, and it turned out fine. She lost her cord a day before she turned 2 weeks. Pee is more sterile than that, so I'm sure he'll be ok!
  • My sons an odd ball by the fact that he almost never pees in a diaper change or with out a diaper on but when he did it at the drs office they told me to just leave it to dry and it wouldn't get infected
  • Don't use alcohol one the cord at all
  • Dr told me to clean Damien's cord with alcohol every time I change him so I don't think it would hurt to do so after he's peed on himself
  • My daughter had a blow out on hers first day home from hospital lol yea jus clean it he'll b fine
  • Yah my daughter got poop on her cord and it fell of 3 days later.
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