My labor story-long
After being 4 days overdue last Saturday Nov 5th at 7:30pm I start having contractions. The doc said to make sure they are 5 mins apart for 2 hours before calling her and going to the hospital. Earlier that day I knew it was coming that evening so after dinner I took a shower and awaited the contractions. While I was having contractions for the two hours I drank plenty of water and laid on my left side to try and relieve the pain. At about 9 we start getting ready to go to the hospital. Once we arrived they started my IV, hooked me up to the monitors and I was 3cm dilated. The doctor then proceeded to break my water and ta-da merconium =( I got my epidural and was able to rest for a while and see my family. About two hours later I wasn't dilating as fast as the doc would have liked so she started pitocin. Her heart rate kept going up and down at each contraction so they were turning me and watching it. They wound up having to put a monitor on her head while she was still inside of me. (Pitocin is EVIL!!) at about 12 midnight I was fully dilated and ready to start pushing. It was daylight savings so the nurses were begging me not to have her at 2am because they were confused as to when to put down the time of birth! I told them I would do my best but Angelina was coming when she was good and ready. My baby girl was born at 3:13am (they got their wish) 7lbs 9oz and 19 inches long. I had a second degree tear and have a few stitches. She is my bundle of joy and today she is a week and 1 day old and I cant imagine life without her. She has a full head of hair and was the talk of the nursery because of it and she looks exactly like me!