My gf wants coffie,is that ok ? :-S

edited February 2011 in Pregnant


  • my dr said up to 250 mg of caffeine a day is ok. which is about 6-8 oz of coffee (i think)
  • Yep but in small amounts. A single shot or diluted coffee. I like tea if you want caffeine. They say a cup a day is perfectly fine and healthy but remember it dehydrates so extra water! Enjoy!
  • I've read in what to except when you're she can have a small cup a day. But I would try to find other things she might like (I was an avid coffee drinker, mornings are harder but worth it.
  • yes, but don't cave in every time she wants some. Too much caffeine is bad
  • my dr said 300mg or less is ok. i try iced coffee drinks from mcdonalds or dq not alot of coffee its mostly coffee syrup
  • She can have as much decaff as she wants if its just the flavor she's looking for otherwise its ok just drink drink extra water
  • I drink it well behind the hubbys bak when he makes it he gives me hot coco...its kind of the same
  • I wanted a mc coffee tasty ice thing (brain fart) this morning, but my bofeiend said no!
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  • By the way djnnelg, What a caring father you are!
  • Shes a morning drinker. . . Hehe thnx for the advice. . . :-)
  • My midwife said a cup or two of green tea a day is ok. I don't even drink it everyday, but I do enjoy some iced green tea every once in a while.

    Call your doctor's office and ask them.
  • My doc said it was fine in moderation. and I know a lot of doctors even tell moms to drink sodas later on to get the baby to move.
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