internal abdominal infection

edited November 2011 in Postpartum Health
So I had a c-section 2.5 weeks ago and last week went to dr complaining of severe abdominal pain. I didn't see my dr and the nurse basicaly said that c-section recovery sometimes takes a long time so I was like ok maybe I'm being a wuss.... today I got a phone call from the nurse saying they had gotten my labs back and I had a serious infection that they could only treat with antibiotics administered through an iv. Hopefully the one dose I got today will kill the infection because I'm ready to feel better!!! Guess I will remember to listen to my body more than the dr's next time!!


  • What was it that you were feeling? A few days after giving birth I started having severe abdominal pain and I have no idea what it was
  • Ummmm it feels like someone beat the crap out of me really sore to the touch and swollen. I have lost all my pregnancy weight plus some but I can't wear any of my pants because it hurts too bad to fasten them. And it never gets better even the percocet they have given me only barely dulls the pain. If u feel anything like that call ur dr!! It can easily turn into sepsis ( a blood infection) if not treated!
  • wow I'm almost 13 weeks pp and am still taking antibiotics for my c section it still bleeds from time to time
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