We have to give my 2 week old some water sometimes because she gets so much mucise (sorry cant think spell today) in the back of her throte that it sounds like she cant breath but we only give her an oz at a time
From what my sons doctor said is they aren't ready for water. And its a choking hazard. She said they are getting what they need from the formula and breast milk.
My sons doctor told us to give my baby water when he was having trouble pooping he was like maybe a month old n we give him water every now n then but he don't like it much now lol
I was told no water as well. They get hydrated and food from formula and breast milk. Id call your Dr and ask. I think its up to you but when babies are given water they get full off nothing and they need the nutrients formula and breast milk have.
Im sharing this because I think its funny. I realize the Dr was probably over doing it a little. My friend took her baby to the ped and asked him if she could give her baby water. He replied, "Sure, if you want to kill her!"
I gave my baby an oz or 2 to keep her mouth clean from all that milk on her tongue. I think drs say no to a lot of things because they know some people will carried away and overdue stuff..know what I mean;)
I was told over the weekend.. They can have an oz of water for every month of life. She was super constipated and so they said an oz in the morning and a another at night was fine.
Giving a baby younger than 6 months old too much water can interfere with his body's ability to absorb the nutrients in breast milk or formula. It can also cause his tummy to feel full, which curbs his desire to feed. (While small sips of water probably won't hurt your baby, it's best to check with his doctor beforehand during those first six months.)In rare cases, a baby who drinks too much water can develop a condition known as water intoxication, which can cause seizures and even a coma. Water intoxication happens when too much water dilutes the concentration of sodium in the body, upsetting the electrolyte balance and causing tissues to swell......sorry that sounds dramatic. Just what I've found in research and through my Pediatrician. Just thought I would share the info Honestly it's your child and you know what's best.
I have heard the giving too much water can throw off their electrolyte balance so it can be dangerous but im not sure how much is too much. I gave mine 2oz of water when she wasn't pooping and that always seemed fine
My friend took her baby to the ped and asked him if she could give her baby water. He replied, "Sure, if you want to kill her!"