got a cold and am due next week help

edited November 2011 in Pregnant
I have a cold that I have had since Friday, I am due next week but I'm all ready dialyed to a little over a one and am thinning, anyone have a good way to get me better ASAP before my baby gets here.


  • Bump. I hope you feel better! Maybe try calling your Dr to see if there's anything you can take. Sorry I'm not more help!
  • Hot tea with lemon and honey.
    Same thing happened to me I was sick 3 days before I went into labor and I would drink atleast 4-5 cups a day and I was better right before anything happened :-)
    Good luck mama
  • Thank you so much, just any kind of tea?
  • Tea orange juice and hot chicken noodle soup they have anti oxidants in them that help fight the germs and help you get energy to be better more quickly
  • Not much u can take only an antihistamine and that's it tea w honey lemon works for a sore throat gargle half water half peroxcide I'm sick too having a c section tomarro
  • Yeah any kind. I drank regular lipton tea bags.
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