Hunter Ray us here!
My waters started leaking at 5am on the 13th and still no regular contractions so I was told if nothing happend over night to go in at 9am the next day and they would try help things along. So went in at 9 am and they checked me over, I was 3cm dilated but could stretch to six as I was really soft so they just gave me a sweep thinking that would do the trick. I walked and walked round the hospital but nothing! So at 4.30pm they put me on a drip but just gave me a really small dose...still nothing (nothing regular anyways) so at 6pm the midwife turned the drip up and at 6.15pm I got her back into the room to tell her she'd turned it up to far as the contractions were coming to quick but then all of a sudden I said I needed to push and at 6.38pm 11/14/11 2days late (before the midwife even had time to get a gown on) he was here! my whole bottom half started shaking really bad as it had all happend so quick!
But Hunters here and he's the most perfect content little baby ever! But seen as though his brother was 9lb 9.5oz I was expecting a big baby so all his clothes are to big! Just ads to his cuteness though
But Hunters here and he's the most perfect content little baby ever! But seen as though his brother was 9lb 9.5oz I was expecting a big baby so all his clothes are to big! Just ads to his cuteness though