Ok so I had a huge feeling I was ovulating yesterday. Went home, took an ovulation test and both lines were dark burgundy. So before bed, we "danced" and then I had a pillow under my hips for 15 mins and just fell asleep. So.. Both dark lines means ovulation right? What's next, just waiting to see if I start my period??? How exciting! :D


  • edited November 2011
    I'll say an extra prayer for ya!! :-bd
  • @stbmilitarybrat thanks!!! :) I conceived my daughter last November and her dd was August 5 (had her on August 12) so an app said that if I conceive with this ovulation, my baby's dd will be August 6. How cool would that be! :D
  • Now is the 2 week wait which i think is the hard part. Good luck! :)
  • @mommyof3girls thanks! So what dpo means is days passed ovulation? So some ppl take tests 10 dpo right where as a period would be 14 dpo? ah :D
  • Hahah that would be awesome!!
  • I got my + dpo this time. However I thought I was a week ahead of that. But what the u/s showed was I ovulated a week after my my days app said!
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  • @2BeForgotten thanks! good luck!!! @babyluv8 What's +dpo? I'm not sure of what you're saying. Lol are you preg sense you said u/s? I didn't rely on my app, I knew I was ovulating because of my body but my app was right. I don't know all the TTC lingo yet. :) but I'm trying
  • Good luck hun! (*)
  • I just meant my bfp 10dpo!! 11w 2d! With my first!
  • @babyluv8 ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS, GIRL!!!! I'm so happy for you!!! :D :D
  • Sticky dust*****
  • Lol I hope u danced all nite and not just one time. We wana make sure all his lil soilders make it up there :-p lol 2moro do the ovulation stick again. I hope its the first day cuz sometimes it really takes them hrs to travel. So I hope u ovulate 2moro too so do it all day today too. Lol wear ur hubby out, put him to work & tell him there is no breaks on ovulation day. Good luck.... I hate the waiting game even if its two weeks til af comes.
  • @MrsThompson34 we did it 2 days ago also. Sperm lives 3-5 days right? My ovulation test 3 days ago was just light pink but last night was dark. Test tomorrow or should I test when I get off of work at 3? If its still dark, we can still dance and have it work right? Sheesh now I'm worried. Lol I've been on bottom does it work just as good if I'm on top?
  • Oh yes ur good then. I would let him b on top or do it doggy style lol lots of my friends got pregnant that way. I would just test if u missed ur period unless u have to kno right away. Lol ur my twin so I kno u wana kno right away haha. U make me wana have another one now since ive been following ur thread. Good luck girl
  • @MrsThompson34 well I say if it doesn't work this month (hope it does) but if not, you should try too! Lol then we can be dd buddies. :) thanks for the luck, i sure am praying! And yeah, I would wanna know! :D
  • @MrsThompson34 I did my ovulation test and neither lines are as pink as last night but they're both equal in color. What do you think that means? Could i still be ovulating?
  • If its two dark pinks then ur ovulating. The two light pink lines means ur fertile :)
  • @MrsThompson34 oh no! Then is it bad that we did it sat and I ovulated last night and had sex? Is there a possibility that I can still get pregnant? I still have the increased cm. :/ hmm I hope there's still a good chance
  • Oh wow thats a couple days already. Did u do the nasty today since ur ovulating?
  • @MrsThompson34 well had sex Saturday night, Sunday started my fertility - Tuesday I got a faint pink line on my opk, yesterday afternoon got dark burgundy lines, had sex last night and slept with a pillow under my hips and we are doing it tonight too. Whatcha think? :-<
  • edited November 2011
    @MrsThompson34 oh and like i said before... Today had lines slightly lighter than yesterday's but equal in color. Is dark burgundy the ovulation day and lighter pink is fertility? How long does the egg live and if I ovulated yesterday, it helps to have sex tonight right? Like could that increase my chances?
  • I think ur still good bc if u werent fertile u would have one line n really light.

  • I think a pos opk test mean u will b ovulating soon. Not sure if it means that same day or not.. like withing 24-48 hours. I think. U probably got ur timing right tho.
  • @mommyof3girls well hey, that works too!!! Lol :-D so how exactly do we know the day of ovulation sense ppl say dpo?
  • I have no idea... Maybe thats why its taking me so long. Ive never known the exact day of ovulation. I just go by what me cm looks like (sorry tmi).
  • @mommyof3girls don't worry about tmi :)
    @MrsThompson34 we danced again last night doggy style. I feel pretty good about it considering the cm. :D now is deff the waiting game. First week in December, baby!!! Heck yes
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