I'm 10 weeks, but haven't announced it!

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
I'm afraid of misscarrying, but pray to God everything turns out for the best. Anyone else out there keeping mum until the 1st trimester is over?? It's so hard to keep it a secret!!


  • I didn't tell our family until 11.5 wks. Since I had the ultrasound and everything was going fine
  • I want to tell my family and im only 7 weeks and 2 days, im really happy, im only scared of telling them if they highly dissaprove and dont want to talk to me anymore. Im very excited to have my first scan and check everythings going well though :)
  • I didn't tell my family til I was 13 weeks. It was hard to wait at first but after a while I almost liked making it a secret. My sister is due this month with my first nephew and it was fun letting everyone think she was the only one pregnant.
  • It normally is best to wait until you're out of the miscarriage worry zone, since the risk drops a lot after the first trimester, but it's entirely up to you when you tell people since it's your baby, sometimes people like knowing as early as possible so that they can offer help throughout, others aren't concerned until it's labour day! Lol I didn't find out I was pregnant with my first till I was just starting my third trimester. This time i've had a bit more warning, I found out when I was 12 weeks and I told family when I was 14 weeks after i'd had my first scan. Good luck with breaking the news :-)
  • I'm almost 16 weeks and waiting as long as I can to tell everyone I waited till I was 7 months with my daughter to tell my parents and 12 weeks with my son. You just have to wait till your ready everyone is different
  • I only told a few people but none of our family knows....I am 11 weeks now...I have yet to tell my mom...cause it is my first and I am her only! So don't know how that is going to play out. Last time I was pregnant we told everyone and had a miscarriage so I am going to wait till next month just to be on the safe side
  • I'm almost 9 weeks and I want to keep a secret as long as I can :). I want to tell my parents when I found out what it is :)
  • Thanks for all of your points of view! I am going to wait until I feel the time is right. :-)
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