do you also feel this way?

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I don't know why but I know its not true, I feel like my bf doesn't love me or shows it as much as he used to since I got pregnant. I just started feeling like this like last week, maybe hormones make me feel this way? Idk, I told him about it and he reassured me that he loves me even more than before because I'm holding his baby inside me (: which I love to hear. I always miss him too! :/ anyone else out there feeling this way? Oh and I want to surprise him somehow but idk how, any ideas? (:


  • It's normal and at times you'll feel the opposite just hormones.
  • He tells me that too, when I'm with him I'm the happiest person ever but otherwise I feel like hes not interested anymore :/
  • im not feelin that way but im kinda feel like other than my bf everyone thinks the most important thing about me is that im pregnant. i had my 21st bday in january. just got my presents from my mom yesterday. she got me a towel for when i deliver, and a windchime for the nursery. is it selfish that i wanted something that was for me only??? my bf still treats me like im just me he very much differentiates between me and the baby. he buys me stuff i want for me and stuff i want for kailee but he's the only one
  • @Rissalee7 i know the feeling....alot of ppl who never really talked to me b4 have been trying to be my friend since i let everyone know i was pregnant...i understand that yes i am pregnant but i'm still me, sometimes i feel like once the baby comes i'll be completely ignored....UGH!!!!!!
  • Oh I know! @rissalee, at least something for u and the baby not jst the baby but also be grateful you got a present (:

    But @crumbled I sometimes feel that way. at school, people I used to barely talked to come up to me to rub my tummy and then they leave instead of asking how I am too -_-
  • Ok just making sure I wasn't being a bad mom
  • Yeah i know what you mean. My birthday is Monday and i just want one day of the year for me you know but i feel selfish for it. And after the baby is born i feel like Im just gonna be thrown to the side. . Idk how to explain it.
  • Since I've been pregnant I hate to b alone
  • @babymama, yeah I understand. Jst remember when the baby is born its going to be such a wonderful big new thing so that's why people give it a lot of attention but both, you and the baby, are equally amazing because one, the baby wouldn't be there if it wasn't for u, ur really appreciated also (: you'll get attention at some point also! (:

    @mommieof2, same here! Especially cause not many people know I'm pregnant and I'm mostly home alone I feel so alone :/ that's why I always wanna be with my bf because he. Knows how to make me feel important :) we will get through this though :)
  • I want to kill my man more frequently these days. I love him dearly, but I want him dead.
  • My birthday and sons birthday is three days apart. No one really acknowledges my bday except for my husband. I'm use to it as long as my son is happy and I make my husband do something special for just me.
  • Im feeling the same as you puchungis. I feel like my husband doesn't want me as much as he used to and he gets mad at me alot easier... I miss him all the time. I don't feel like I am important anymore to him... idk.. hope its just these stupid hormones.
  • I also feel the same.. we actually broke up. And he moved out when I was like 2 months. He still sees me sometimes but I don't feel the affection towards my belly or baby as I wish it could be. Sucks.
  • Little things add up to make me crazy. Like his facial expressions when he thinks I'm being ridiculous and doesn't think I notice the eye roll. I want to jump out of my chair and hit him. I usually glue my mouth and practice deep breathing because I know it's not actually a big deal.

    I almost left the room the other day because of the tone of his voice when he asked me, "so what other BIG things do we have to plan" talking about our wedding. Background info could explain why I was so mad, but it's a long story for something that doesn't really matter.

    Most of it doesn't really matter. I'm just hormonal and easily enraged or brought to tears. Sometimes at the same time.
  • Dang we all feel the same, I wish I could see my bf every day but I feel lonely no matter how much times he tells me he loves me :( I wanna be like WELL SHOW ME AND DO SOMETHING BIG ALREADY! :( he was gonna propose to me but hes waiting? I guess that's wut I'm waiting for? Idk these hormones got me all messed up. But also knowing the fact that we haven't gone out with our friends a lot since I got pregnant, he went out last night until like 3 and I jst stayed in my bed and fell asleep -_- I miss that and I wanna do it at times too, idk I'M SO CONFUSED! :((
  • We were engaged for 3 years. Now he wants to get married because of his mom. She's old country, they moved here from Guatemala when he was 5. She said our baby will be a bastard and they will make fun of him/her at school if we don't get married. I guess she was riding him a lot and wasn't trying to have this 'getting married after the baby is born' thing.

    He never officially proposed. I'm kinda bummed about it, honestly. But again, I don't think it's a big deal in the grand scheme of things.
  • Wow, if he's being forced to marry u then things might not go so good :/ but hopefully things will go great :) I'm jst waiting for my bf lol
  • We've wanted to get married for a while, just were waiting for the right time when we could have our dream wedding. But it looks like we will still get our dream wedding... and I'll be totally sober to appreciate all of it.

    Your man will come around. Better on his own sweet time than feel panicked by the baby.
  • That's true :) his mom had told me he was going to propose on Valentines day though :/ so I'm waiting and she kind of blew it lol but hopefully u get ur dream wedding!
  • That's true :) his mom had told me he was going to propose on Valentines day though :/ so I'm waiting and she kind of blew it lol but hopefully u get ur dream wedding!
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