
edited November 2011 in Depression
Not sure if anxiety is part of depression but I can't stop worrying about everything expect ally my kids I worry so much and not the normal worryIng. It is so bad in starting to get on my finances nerves I worry about my kids non stop and even when in not worrying in worried there is something im not worried about I understand it is normal to worry about your kids but I OVER worry is there anyone who has been through this and if so what helped I just want to get better I'm making myself sick worrying so much :(


  • I would talk to my Dr. I don't really have any good suggestions outside of Drs and meds :( I get bad anxiety and have been on clonazepam for years. But talking to your Dr he can steer you in the right direction. Maybe just talking to a therapist could help. Get some relaxation techniques.
  • What kind of worry...some days when i'm kinda anxious i worry about my kids more. Example...if my son is on his way home from school i worry that the bus will get in an accident or that a predator will snatch him on his way from the bus to our house...which is only about 20 steps away. My husband understands and just tries to comfort me, but it doesnt happen that often. I notice that sometimes caffeine will make me more anxious. If i had those thoughts more often i'd probably get on an antidepressant or anxiety meds.
  • Mine are sooo bad I worry for my kids to ride with n e one else one day my 3 other kids dad who r from another marriage had to call the coPs bc I wouldn't let him get the kids on his wkend bc I was afraid for them to be away from me bc I didn't think he could watch them as good as me. And iftar kids run fever I freak out, or if they have a headache I start looking up things online and my son sweats alot when he sleeps just n e thing different I worry about. Also if my parents don't answere the phone I freak out always thinking the worst. It's killing me I'm so tired of this I hate russing my kids tO hospital over every little thing. @2ndtimearound , @smcox
  • Yeah, you definitely need to talk to a Dr! Thats an extreme case of anxiety! You are going to make yourself sick if you doing get help! You will probably even start pushing your family away cuz of the irrational fears. Please for your own sanity go see your Dr! Trust me anxiety meds can make a world of difference. Just make sure you do some research so you're not on an addictive pill or one that will make you a zombie. And know going into it you may have to try a few to find one that works for you! And definitely talk to a therapist! They can help you with coping strategies.
  • @smcox thank u yes I feel like my family really doesn't understand and they think it's kinda funny that I'm worrying this much there are always making jokes about it but it's no joke to me and my fiancé is so tired if hearing me worry every singe day!
  • I can only kind of understand and relate, when I was still pregnant I freaked out about everything! I had to soe taking my anxiety meds so it only made it worse. I had a lot of fluid so I wouldn't always feel him and would freak out... My family constantly mocking me and making jokes about it would really hurt my feelings cuz it's serious to me. Which would just depress me. So yes, outside help is definitely going to help you and make your household more peaceful.
  • * stop not soe... Stop taking my meds
  • @kris100717 your not the,only one im going thru the same thing i worry about my son so much i call his dad like 20 times a day i dont feel like hes safe unless hes with me i go crazy
  • @jennie21 glad I'm not the only one i feel the exact same way I hate for them to be with anyone else soo ready for this to stop
  • @kris100717 i wish i wasnt this worried but its gotten worst since i got pregnant again i miss my son like crazy
  • I wrote a post ab this.. my anxiety got worse post partum I now take klonopin but you may want to read mine ...
  • Anxiety is part of depression
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