inducing stories

edited November 2011 in Pregnant
I wanna hear some...just because I feel like imma go over due andd get an induction: (....sooo I wannna know your I heard its more painful but What else....

Post your labor stories here...<3


  • I got there the night before starting pit they started with cervidil it made me a bit crampy I made it from 8pm to 7am just fine contractions didn't hurt I could breathe threw them just fine. They started pit at 7am I made it til 11am got a dose of nebane. By that time I was a 4 I think. Nebane wore off and I breathed threw the contractions til I hit 7cm they came and broke my waters. I got scared into getting the epi they told me if I was gonna get it I should get it now. I wasn't in a whole lot of pain but I got it anyways for fear I would wait to long. Got the epi and felt no pain later my right hip was giving me problems so they dosed me again. Waiting around to hit a 10 and to push my hip started messing with me again they came and dosed me again. And it was time to push. I pushed 15 mins and he was here. They had to tell me when to push I felt nothing. He weighed 8 pounds and was 20.5 inches long and born at 4:03pm I had a small tear got stiched up and my right leg was numb forever lol I got moved to my family room and having someone help me to the bathroom I fell cuz my leg was still numb. But I was fine. Over all my experience was great lol I hope everything goes well for you!
  • I hope mine goes as good as urs...

    Thk you<3
  • Mine wasn't so great. They broke my water around 7am, stared pitocin around 9am, I took forever to dialate, finally got to a for around 9pm, then quickly went to an 8, but then stopped progressing. I got my epidural around 1pm cuz the pitocin made my contractions unbearable and back to back at only 1 1/2cm. Baby never dropped from -2 station, his heart beat kept going above 200, I kept throwing up, and my temperature kept rising. So at 5am they called it and said I had to get a c section. He ended up being sunny side up and 9.8 pounds. My epidural started wearing off before they were done so felt a lot of pain in the end. Then I got hypothermia and also needed a blood transfusion. Not the best experience for me. :( if you need one hopefully it goes better!
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  • Good luck with everything! I hope it goes smoothly!
  • when i got to hospital at 10.30am for induction I'd been having regular contractions from 4am 7 mins apart lasting 40secs, i was on monitor for an hour then they checked was at 2cm dilated and didn't need gel or anything so they said would just break waters had waters broke at 2pm contractions were constant then only 10secs apart not painful but i felt so out of control gas and air was crap so had epi at 5.30pm still only 2cm, and it only worked down one side but my contractions had stopped coming every 10secs now only 2 mins apart, started on drip at 6.15pm, within an hour was fully dilated not ready to push has head still to far up, started pushing at 8.30pm and he was out at 9.22pm :)
  • Mine went great! So much better than I thought it would be.
    Here's the story:
    I had been at 1 cm for three weeks and was 5 days overdue. So I got the cervidal on a Wednesday night around 7:30 pm (I did have the most uncomfortable night of my life), but come the morning I was still at 1 cm but softer than I was the night before. They started the pitocin at 9 am and the contractions were mild til around 11 (at that time I was at 3 cm). My water broke on its own at noon (I was at 4 cm by this time) and after that the contractions were stronger. I ended up getting an epi at 1:30 ( which I didn't want to do in the beginning but have NO regrets about it now) and thencit was just a waiting game. The doctor came in at 4:30 to check on me and I was at 9 cm. He said he was surprised it took so well cause gecwas planning on going through the process, not having it work, and sending me home. Ha! By 5:45 I was at a 10 and around 6:15 I could feel pressure like my water was breaking again or something, and when I mentioned this to the nurse she checked things out and turns out it was his head ready to come out! Did some pushing and my little man was born at 6:42 pm.
    I didn't expect it to be so fast seeing as he was my first, but everything worked out and went well!
    Good luck with yours and remember any way it turns out, the end result is SO worth it!!!! :X
  • Mine was horrible 73.5 hours of labour that ended in a er c section
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