circumsized ??

edited November 2011 in First time moms
How long does it take to heal?? Is there a certain way to change his diaper where it won't hurt him


  • I was told to keep vasoline on it for 7-10 days. You just rub a bunch of vasoline in his diaper with every single change. You don't want it to stick.
  • It takes about a week more or less. Just make sure you are putting vaseline or A&D ointment on with each diaper change and preferrably a gauze pad on top. When you need to clean it dont use a wipie, take a cotton ball and dip it in water and gently clean it.
  • edited November 2011
    I did same as @sands3 did but I used a gauze pad like 3x3 or 4x4 with vasoline on it and just put it over his pp making sure his pp is pointing down and I did it fo 7 to 10 days as well and the doctor told me don't touch his pp at all like to clean it. And he healed fine
  • Yea, don't use a wipe or anything on it. I used the gauze covered with vasoline for the first week, then just vasoline in the diaper until his 2 week appt...just to make sure it was completely healed
  • I jus got it done today he is 2 wk old should I.keep it wrapped wit vasoline or unwrapped wit vasoline so it can breath
  • I suggest you put a gauze pad on top, my baby boys healed perfectly
  • You want to make sure it doesnt stick to itself too though. Mainly connection from shaft to head. We were given triple antibiotic ointment and completely covered the head all the way around at every changing. They said to use it till the bright red went away. It was about a week or so. We went through two tubes of ointment. Didnt use gauze or anything though.
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