Tummy time

edited November 2011 in Ages & Stages
When are you supposed to start doing tummy time? My son is two weeks and has already stared lifting his head at two days old. So should I already be doing it?


  • There is no set time. Most people start when the umbilical cord has fallen off.
  • I started floor tummy time when his cord fell off, chest to chest before that which counts as tummy time.
  • And like @tinka1326 said there is no set time. When ever you want to start tummy time with your lo
  • Okay thanks, yeah weve been doing chest to chest since day one. That's how I know he loves lifting his head. Thanks ladies :)
  • Your welcome :-)
  • I've been laying my son on my chest since birth. But ive been laying him on the floor on a blanket for the last couple weeks. He's 9 weeks old. And he pushes himself straight in the air now. ;)
  • my son hated and refused to do tummy time until about 5-5 1/2 months old. idk why because he was always able to hold his head up, but he just hated being on his tummy. now he loves it.
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