secretly dying to get prego again!

edited November 2011 in Pregnant
My Lo is 6 weeks old today and I am secretly dying to get pregnant again! Unfortunately I had a traumatic delivery and I am no where near being able to have sex again :(
Since things were so terrible during labor and afterward, my family is so against me greeting pregnant again so soon. Ik its non of their business but deep down I know they are right and I need to give my body time to heal. I just really want another baby but I have to keep these feelings to myself bc I don't want to hear their negative comments!


  • I hope you heal quickly so you can have your wish.
  • @2ndbutfirst I'm soo jealous!! I'm glad I'm not the only one that wants another baby so quick! Good luck to u
  • @crystaldawn0830 I want another one two I have a three yo and I had mc in oct 2010 I just had my daughter in august but it was a rough pregnancy because when I lost my son I was 16talking wks and my doctor had me induced and deliver instead of dnc he said it would be easier on my body. Well my whole family keeps insisting I get my tubes tied or my finance get a v. But I want more kids especially a boy since we have our girls but lost our boy. But can't talk to anyone about it cause my family doesn't want me to have any more at all not just wait a while and my doctor wants me to wait at least a min of a year before we get pregnant. It makes me feel like the world is against me sometimes. And what makes it worse is I feel my calling in life is to be a wife and mother.
  • @tbaby2011 I don't get why family has to always give their opinions. I know for the most .part our families probably just really care about us and they think they .know what's best! I just hate when I make a comment about "when we get pregnant again...". I can feel their skin crawling and then the comments start.
    I know the risk and know how difficult it will probably be next time but its not impossible and its worth it all!!
    Im sure u are very aware of Ur risk and feel its worth it so y can't they support u?

    Family..u can't live with them but u can't live w out them LOL!!
  • I give you all props for wanting to go through it all over so soon. Good luck to you all. I couldn't do it.
  • I want another one too. I loved being pregnant! I want a lot of kids so I feel like another baby should come soon. HOWEVER, there's a lot of obstacles to face for me. It took us over 5 years to get our little guy so who knows how long it'll take the second time around or if it's even an option. Also, we've only had sex twice cause it hurt so effing bad the other times we've tried. And last but not least, it's so scary financially. We make too much money for any kind of assistance but the cost of living where we live is so much higher than where we used to live that we scrape by. :(
  • I do too. However I read this thing that said kids r smarter if their older siblings r over two years older cuz the parent has more time to do eveything with em.
  • My little one is almost 10 weeks old. And I to secretly want another. My husband wants more but more in like a year or two. I just want to get all my little ones out of the way so I can have my body to myself again( don't know if that's selfish Lol) I would like to been done with having all babies and that way I can work my body back down and let my stretch marks heal up. Instead of getting back down only to ruin it again two years later and two years after that. Husband wants 4. We already have a 3 y/o. And our now 10 week old. Plus I want closer spacing for many reasons.
  • I want another but I want to enjoy my little girl.first good luck %%-
  • I just miss being pregnant. I wanna put Brody back in my belly. I couldn't handle another so soon.
  • I'm with @Samantha I jus miss being prego, I even cradle my baby up too my tummy as if she's still in there but 2 babies at a time, I might lose my mind lol...hopefully u get ur wish and things go smoothly next time!
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