
edited January 2011 in Pregnant
Ever since I got pregnant I don't want to be around anyone. I'm 7 weeks & before I even knew I was pregnant I was secluding myself from people. My fiance is the only one I can stand right now. I don't do it on purpose but I just don't want to talk to anyone. I feel bad because I don't even want to talk to family much. Is anyone experiencing something similar?


  • Yes! I feel terrible about it & I don't want to hurt anyones feelings but mostly I'd rather be alone. This is not normal behavior for me and I've been thinking it may have a lot to do with my increased tiredness & feeling unwell...and I'm hoping it goes away when I reach my second trimester and have a bit more energy.
  • I understand completely. I'm normally a very sociable person but all I want is to be alone. I want peace & quiet all the time. I'm glad that its not just me. I thought maybe pregnancy was turning me into a bxxch.
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