ftm and my breastt are killim me!

edited November 2011 in Pregnant
I had my babygirl on monday (: shes healthy and beautiful!
What can i do or take to make my breasts dry up, im not breastfeeding, and my boobs hurt so bad that even if i wanted to breastfeed, i wouldnt be able to/:


  • I never did anything to get mine to dry up. It was painful but i just left them be and they dried up. Sorry im not more help.
  • Wear two sports bras with cabbage leaves in them. Make sure its tight. Do not remove bras for three to four days except to bathe. When bathing dont use hot water this will cause milk let down telling your boobs to make more milk. Also change out cabbage every few hours when they have wilted. Also for pain take ibuprofen every 4 hours. It hurt really bad the first two days but the last two days the swelling started to go down. Now its been a week and I'm in my pre preg bras. Good luck!
  • Thank yu so much ! It feels like ita workinq (:
  • I used a wide ace bandage & bound mine down very tight, my mom helped me wrap it around & around then tight sports bra. Never had any pain with mine but I did it before my milk ever came n, right after birth.
  • Your welcome! glad your feeling better!
  • Man I'm in the same boat my titties hurt :/
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