how are....?

edited November 2011 in Loss
Just wondering @timebandit @babynewyear2012 and @mummylady83 how are you ladies I have been working alot but you ladies have been on my mind alot this week. Just wonderingwondering hows life and how you are holding up? I know have we havent talked much but i have read and followed you ladies stories to help me keep going after loss too.


  • Firstly, thank you for thinking of me :)

    I'd love to be able to say I'm great but most of the time I'm not. I have days where I wake up and I can't bear to lift my head up off the pillow, but then I have days like today where I'm not feeling too bad and life seems to be OK.

    I'm not on pregly much at the moment either, trying to get stuff sorted for MJ's birthday and then Xmas. Plus working hard, but I'm on fb if you want to add me. Jemma Jeminemz Davies x
  • How amazing of you to think of us. I have good and bad days. I miss Addison more than anything but I have a 12 year old so he keeps me going. I am terrified about Christmas but I have to do it.

    We are currently ttc again so say a prayer and keep your fingers crossed for us. Thank you so much again for remembering us! I am also on th is the easiest way to find me.
  • I'm doing alright thank you for thinking of us. I currently had some major issues in my life, I totaled my car bought a brand new one. Found a house to buy all of which of had its up and downs but the worst part of the past few weeks I was 7 weeks pregnant during the car crash and another angel of mine grew its wings. I'm fine as of now, I have by moments where I feel life has been so unfair to me and at other times I try to keep my hopes high. I have to move on and keep on going and on hopefully have the family I have dreamed about. Thank you once again.
  • @timebandit and @mummylady83 im glad to hear you guys are ok and if your ever having a bad day you can always get a hold of me my cell number is 740-725-4916 and my email is if you need anything

    And I know all about ups and downs I lost my son last oct then found out I was prego christmas eve last year at 22wks they thought I might lose her so was in bed rest. Then got to 37 wks and delivered a healthy happy baby girl then when she was a month old I went back to work but not soon enough we lost our place to live and are currently homeless but I just started a new job and we are looking at a new house to rent. So just stay positive and remember that you are strong beautiful women who can get through anything!!
  • It'll be via email from me, as I'm in the UK :)

    Hubby and I have had some rough times in the 6 1/2 years we've been together, we had some skank try and separate us and then she caused so much stress in the hope I'd miscarry MJ! I then got made redundant, and once I'd found a new job we got made homeless. Which I honestly didn't think could get much worse, but the last 6 months has proved that as a couple we can get through anything. That much is for certain.

    @tbaby2011 and @timebandit The same goes for both you if you need anything, I am always happy to chat. or add jemma jeminemz davies on fb if you have it.

    @babynewyear2012 I hope you're ok mama, thinking of you x
  • I am ok....I need to go put Addisons Christmas tree at the cemetery but have nobody to go with me. I am so afraid to ho alone.
  • @Babynewyear2012, you got a christmas tree thats cool. I never thought of that. I dont know if our cemetary would let us. We are putting the christmas tree in masons room, there is a window in there that over looks the street.
  • @jodi102011 the cemetery people said we could for Christmas and it would be ok two weeks after Christmas. It is on my fb page. Did you see it?
  • @Babynewyear2012, thats cool, no I hsve not looked yet. I will tomorrow. Do you know if you can onl. y log into pregly one at a time. I have 2 phones right now. I am logged in on this one but I tried the other one and it says I dont exist. It also said that on the website. I need to get another phone but I dont want to be locked out.
  • I sign in on my tablet and phone at the same time @jodi102011
  • @Babynewyear2012 ok thanks. I am tginking that the website does not work because I only went on it once. Is there some where I can see email address I signed up for
  • I don't know. Have you tried to message the mods?
  • @Babynewyear2012, I tried a while ago and neither one of them have gotten back to me
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