I had Janson :) NICU baby UPDATE

edited November 2011 in Premature Babies
Janson was born 11/23/11 at 4:04 AM. He weighed 4lbs 9 ounces I had him at 34weeks and a few days. He is currently in in the NICU. I have a lot I want to share in detail so I'm gonna section everything off :) Read what you'd like! Also, when photobucket decides to work on my computer I'll show you all how handsome he is!


So, I was admitted to the hospital again on monday because at my follow-up appointment my blood pressure was still pretty high and then the urine in my protein went up significantly. So I went there to L&D and they took blood and starting running tests. They also did an in and out catheter so that they could accurately test my urine for protein. The test came back high and they determined that I had severe preeclampsia so they made a call to a hospital farther away that had a NICU. They had an ambulance there and transfered me there. By the way, the ambulance ride was AWFUL. I was extremely uncomfortable and even though the EMT was a great driver I was bouncing around like crazy. Also, from this point on I was on magnesium to prevent me from seizing, which made me feel AWFUL and tired so my memory of everything isn't that great. Anyway, I got the the bigger hospital and they made me rest and did a 12 hour urine collection. They also drew their own labs. Also, they started an IV on me (the magnesium) and put in a foley catheter. A heads up for everyone, when they put the IV in, it hurts pretty bad. I was unlucky because the first vein she tried it wouldn't thread, so she kept shoving it arouind. Luckily it threaded on the second attempt. NEXT, the nurse will tell you that the catheter is uncomfortable, however, that is incorrect. The catheter is extremely painful. They're trying to fit a size two tube into a size one hole... And once its in it really burns and is extremely sore for a while. Moving on, my protein in my urine was extrememely high so they decided that I was in fact showing symptoms of severe preeclampsia. They only way for that to go away is to deliver the baby. Since I had already had steroid shots and he was 34 weeks, they decided delievering my immediately was the best option. Since my preexlampsia had made a sharp turn for the worst. So they started me on pitocin and kept giving me the magnesium. They also did a blood test to check my platelet levels because I wanted an epidural later in the process. So it took like 30 minutes for the poticoin to really start and I started contracting every few minutes. I was a two before they started, so they checked me and I was all the way up to a four. So then they got my blood results back and my platelets were below 100 so they couldn't give me the epidural. They did give me this other medicine through my IV that I clicked a button and it released if I hadn't maxed out on my limit. Needless to say, I was constantly maxed out. The contractions were VERY painful. So, my labor was going okay so far, so they decided to break my water. The process of that was excrutiatingly painful for me. My fluid levels were 31cm, which the high end of the acceptable level is 23, which is another reason they induced me actually. So they broke my water, which I screamed during, and then monitered me again. Well, this is where things took a turn for the worst. Janson didn't respond well to that and his heartrate dropped from the 140's donw to the 60's or 70s. They made me turn sides, take oxygen, and even sit on my hands and knees to see if they could get his heartrate to normal. They couldn't. And by the way, I was in DEATHLY pain at this point. I was crying and screaming about pain. So they decided to send me in for an emergency c-section. Since I couldn't have an EPI they had to knock me out with anesthesia so my husband wasn't allowed in the room. He did get to wait outside the door so when they took Janson so the NICU he was able to see him. The next thing I remember was waking up in a room in TONS more pain. I remmeber them asking my questions and breifing me... But I don't remember what was said. The pain really way just unbearable!!!!!! So they gave me medicine and knocked me out again .Next thing I know I wake up in another room feeling okay. I was still on magnesuim and had the catheter in. Also after the surgery and everything I was in bad shape. So they didn't let me out of bed or anything. So, my son was born at 4am and I didnt get to see him until probably midnight the next day when they rolled my bed down to see him.

So some random facts about his brith.

1. The cord was wrapped around his neck a total of 6 times.
2. The blood in his cord had several clots in it.
3. The placenta was starting to calcify.

So as it turns out, its really good that we delievered when we did, because he may not have done well if we tried to keep him inside me longer.


So he's in the NICU because he is preterm. He was born 4lb 9 ouncues. He was born 6 weeks early. Luckily, he is breathing on his own! So that's a major milestone he did excellent with. But, he does have Jaundice. His levels are rising and are supposed to peak around the third day. So they have him on lights and have the sunglasses on him and everything. Also, he doesn't regulate his body temperature on his own. So they have him in an isolette to keep his body warm. They have him on IV fluid since he isn't really breastfeeding. I go in every three hours to try and breastfeed him. For his age, he is doing VERY well. He latches on and gets in a good ammount of suckles. We're waiting for my breastmilk to come in! Which its starting to increase so I'm VERY happy about that. But until then they are trying to get him to bottle feed. But only so they can work on getting the IV out. And they only do that at the night feedings when I'm sleeping. Otherwise they let me try and breastfeed. So I'm happy about that!

However, there is some really bad news that me and my husband have had a hard time coping with.... My little boy does in fact have a severe heart defect...... The easiest way to explain it is that his heart didn't develop right. His heart doesn't pump blood to his lungs, only to his body. So around the age of 6 months he'll have to get heart surgery. Then again when he's 2. This could cause a lot of problems for him, even developmental delays.. He won't be able to play intense sports when he's older....But luckly, his heart did come up with its own ways of working around the problems he has. He has holes and tubes that normal hearts don't have.. So even though he has heart problems, its all working for him very well. Right now he doesn't require any special treatement. It's just when he's about 6 months his body wont be able to work with the little oxygen he's getting, so that's why he'll need surgery..

Its really hard to accept everything thats happened.. When I found out I was pregnant I never in a second thought that this could happen to me. I thought that I would have a normal pregnancy, a normal delivery, and a perfectly healthy baby boy. Everything turned out different than I thought.. Luckily my mom, dad, and brother came down to visit us and its really been helpful. My little man is doing GREAT even though he has a unique heart. Other than his heart, he has no birth defects. So we're really hoping and praying that everything goes well. We enjoy every second that we're with him. They told us to expect him to be in the NICU until his original birthdate. So we'll probably get him around January. Unfortunately, the hospital we're at is 2 hours away from our home, but we talked to the social worker and we should be staying at a Ronald McDonald house.

I have to go to the NICU and feed him again, but I'll be back to finish what I can later! Please, any adivice is amazing! Please send Janson all your prayers!!!!!


  • Wishing all well and praying for your baby to grow stronger every day!
  • Girl you had such an eventful time. You and the little one are both in my thoughts. That's neat his heart found a way to work around the issue. Hoping he keeps showing improvement everyday!!
  • Praying and hoping for your baby boy! And congrats! ...btw what is a Ronald McDonald house?
  • congrats :)

    u and ur baby boy are in my prayers.
  • Wow that is a lot to take in but keep faith and stay strong. You, the baby, & family are definitely in my prayers.
  • First congrats and I know how you feel my baby born premature she born at 32 weeks and she need to stay at the hospital for a month I know is So hard to leve u baby at the nicu but eveything is gonna be ok she is a fighter all baby in the nicu are fighters my baby too be strong mama
  • Wishing u and baby all the best. Congrats on ur amazing gift from God.
  • Wow hon. I am glad you made it though ok. Your lil boy is in my thoughts and prayers. It sound like it was a goid thing they induced you when they did. Try to take it easy and recover :) It sounds like your lil boy is on good hands. Keep us updated on how he is doing.
  • Praying for you and your lo! I had Kaylee at 34 weeks also she was 4lbs 14oz. She spent 2 weeks in the NICU and I must say that was the longest 2 weeks of my life!! Breastfeed him if you can; that's the best thing for him right now. In the meantime, get plenty of rest before little man comes home!! And also this will give you time to heal up from your csection before he comes home!!
  • Wow hun. Your a trooper! I hope and pray that your son pulls through everything and heals without having to have surgery! I hope you heal up as well quickly! You all are in my thoughts and prayers! Stay strong! Your son needs you all!!!!! Good luck hun and Congrats to you all though regardless! He's alive and that's something to be thankful for!
  • @excitedforoctober The Ronald McDonald house is like a program for families that live far away from the hospital. Since we live over an hour away from the hospital and our son will be in the NICU, we qualify to stay there. It's basically a hotel. They have food, do our laundry, have breast pumps and freezers for milk. They have everything that we could possibly need so we can focus on taking care of our baby instead of worrying about other things.

    @yazmin31 Yes! My nephew was born at 24 weeks and was in the NICU for months. So I'm glad that atleast I have experience with it in that aspect. NICU babies are definitely fighters. For what my sons had to go through, he's really been strong about it. I'm so proud of him.

    @tootie08 Yeah I've been trying to pump like crazy to get my milk to come in :) For his age, he does excellent when we breast feed. But since he's not getting enough from me they have a NG tube set up for feedings. Hopefully this time next week his IV and NG tube are gone and he only needs my breast! :D

    @momofSOONtobe7 Thank you for much! We definitely have a lot to be thankful for. Everything with him turned out perfect.... If I didn't have pre-e and was hospitalized and induced... he would have died in utero because of complications.... then the c-section was good because during natural labor he would have possilby passed.... then as it turns out, we were transfered here because they have a NICU, but his hospital is actually well known for their cardiology work... So everything that went wrong, was actually going right! We just didnt know it at the time :)


    So, the cardiologist came by today and looked at his heart again. As it turns out, there's a more urgent problem. One of the veins that was pumping to his lungs is starting to close up, since its made of the same tissue as his umbilical cord. So he may require a non-invasive surgery at any time the next few weeks if his body doesnt tolerate it well. But he will for sure have a surgery at 6 months and at 2 years.. Both of which are VERY high risk... Its really hard to imagine my 6 month old son undergoing open heart surgery...
  • @usafwife_21 Lots of prayers and positive thoughts!!!
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