I feel like a bad mom :( spitting up and fussy

edited November 2011 in Depression
my poor bbygirl has been getting fussy when she wasnt before. we take her in between houses and in the car quite a bit because we cant live together and she is only 3 weeks old. also she has been spitting upalot like it comes pouring out of her mouth :( I feel like its allmy fault she is spitting up since im bf & every single time she spits up my parents ask me what did you eat blaming me! my heart breaks to see her so fussy & idk why.. also my parents and everyone always picks her up to hold her when she is sleeping when I tell them not too. last night she was fussy again and she fell asleep in the car so I told my mom we are going sleep nd she is like let her sleep here and I said no but she was like it will just be for 5 min and kepts ignoring me just taking her out so I said fine & went upstairs well she brings herto me cryingand when I asked what happened she said oh I changed her djaper and I toldhershe was tired fro m thanksgiving and I was just going to change herthe next time she woke up but no she never listensto me I feel like all myfamily freaks out about her stressing me out and its just annoying they dont believe or trust me.. I work with infants im not a moron..&everytime she cries or spits up my bf freaks out which freaks me out and then im sure freaks my lo out... this turned into a vent sorry idk what to do anymore


  • Try not to worry, some babies are just sicky ones, mine is! I know i am fed up of people buting in and acting like i can't cope and wanting to spend time with my baby its annoying! Just be strong and try be positive still u are doing good!
  • I am not a mom so I don't know a whole lot, but I know that some babies are allergic to the moms milk or my cousin breast fed all her babies & she learned that she could not eat it drink dairy when breast feeding bc the babies would end up spitting up everytime, so she was basically lactose free when she breast fed. Definetly check with your peditrician. Good luck & be very careful when going back & forth between homes it could cause your newborn to become sick because she is so young, my aunt did that and she wasn't cautious (I know you are more responsible than she was, but still).
  • Maybe she has acid reflux. I know a lotta babies have it and they normally outgrow it. Call her pediatrician and see what they say.
  • @three_cats_n_a_baby I understand they want to see her but they have to liste to me!
    @praying_4_twins ill have to ask her dr about that
    @tootie08 I plan too I hope she doesnt have that:( it seems evening time is the hardest
  • My daughter is almost 3 months and she is very fussy and spits up a lot to trying feeding your baby an ounce at a time meaning 1oz break then feed again
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  • I felt the same way. And still kinda do. My doc said some babies are happy spitters as long as they are gaining weight its ok. Mine is also a bit colic which makes it harder. Keep your head up hun. It is not your fault. Just remember crying is the only way of communicating and that baby loves you!
  • thanks @everyone I cant tag everyone since im on my phone but I feel better knowing that spitting up is kinda normal I just gotta learn to adapt to my rapidly changing daughter. itseems like everytime I get used to something she changes!
  • I just wanted to say if u have rules stick to them family members will try to do wat they want but its your baby when your baby is up crying all day u there I've made plenty of mines mad b/c I do not like for my baby to be held while sleep either n a lot I think is ridiculous they say u can't spoil babies but they get use to things n it will mess up your routine so my advice would be if they are doing something you don't do then stop them because that will make a fussy baby also
  • The rule in my house is if you wake the baby, you have to get her back to sleep. Stand your ground, hun, your fam has to see that you mean what you say. Also, if your LO has had a long day of being passed around, give her some tylenol. She's probably very sore and that will help.
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