Getting induced in 2 weeks! ahh! O_o

edited November 2011 in Pregnant
so when i went to the doctor last week i was measuring a bit small, 1cm dilated, -2 station, & 50% effaced so they scheduled an ultrasound for today along with my reg appt where we found out my baby girl is measuring 5lbs 6 oz but im still measuring too small so now i have to go to the doctor twice a week where ill get checked, have an NST each time and get an ultrasound to determine the fluid level around her which they discovered is getting a little low but nothing to be alarmed about at the present moment. so i will be induced at 39 weeks, which will be the 13th, but i dont have my official induction date yet. im sooo excited that i have a set date on when ill meet my little princess, the anticipation of the unknown was killing me soo much lol. would anyone like to share their induction experiences with me? i always find stories like that to be soo interesting especially in the end when i have my own story to add lol :)


  • so i got induced on thurs sept 1st because i didnt have enough fluid for my babygirl in my belly...they started me on pitocin and didnt feel any contractions at first but that last hour was just sooo PAINFUL!!..i was in labor for 13hrs and only pushed 3 times and my babygirl was here!!..she was 4 weeks ahead of schedule so she was sooo tiny but she is doing just great!!
  • I'm nervous about the pain, the contractions I have now are already soooooo painful & from what I've been told inducing makes it worst than what itd originally be!
  • Yay! They induced me Monday for having no fluid I was 41 weeks though but congratulations momma
  • Ill be induced tomorrow I'm sooo excited...
  • That's exciting. I had an induction with my last baby. It went well. I went in around 11am and got all checked in and started pitoncine around 12 or so. I didn't have much pain for a while. Then i got my epi when it was uncomfortable. It went fast only 7 hours from starting to pushing. And for me once i need to push its time. I only pushed 3 times.
  • I'm soooo anxious! Lol omg I can't wait to meet her!
  • Ya. I can't wait to meet my little girl also. :) hopefully soon.
  • Humm.. if your girl is measuring fine but you aren't but you fluid is only slightly low , why induce? It's unclear to me the reason. Not questioning you or your doctor. I've never heard a case like this and am curious. ??? I was induced btw because of high blood pressure my last few weeks. It was a great experience. Hopefully your experience is just as amazing!

  • @Mrs4c She's measuring small as well as me. They told me by this time she should be a bit more than 6lbs. My small frame wont allow me to grow any more and its stopping her from growing at the same time.
  • That makes sense now. :) my baby was 6 10 at birth and I was thinking yours could grow another pound possibly by your due date and be in the 25th% but still an acceptable size. Do you have a day you'd like to have her? Btw if they try to start you with Cytotec, please research it before saying yes. My induction with Cytotec was amazing but my nurse didn't fully inform me about it when I asked the difference between it and Cervedill. Going in I was told likely I'd start with Cervedill. Once there the on call Dr decided differently and I only had minutes to ask questions. I trusted my nurse and everything she said sounded fine. When I Google searched it later I was a bit upset about a lot of risk factors not mentioned.
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