here we go!!!!

edited November 2011 in Pregnant
I'm still closed, urrggg! But I'm going in tonight and getting medicine on my cervix to soften it and that helps dilation, I guess but I don't remember what its called though, and I'm staying over night because the doctors said most people get big contractions from it and go into labor. If that occurs I won't need an induction if it doesn't work ill have to have an induction and a c-section:( but she(Hailey) will be here by Dec. 1st! :) FINALLY! Lol


  • Why do you have to be induced with a c section?? Anyway good luck hun!!!!!! My induction got cancelled last minute with my daughter and I got so upset, and then I went into labour naturally and had her the next day (day I was ment to be induced) lol!!
  • If the medicine they give me to soften my cervix doesn't work I have to have a c section, if it does then I have to be induced. And thank you:)
    Yeah my doctor told me I would go in tonight and would call me to tell me the time but he called and told me I had to call the labor and delivery floor tomorrow night at 6pm to set up a time to come in and get it done. So tomorrow night it is!
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